**i'm TOTALLY FREAKIN BORED in case you didn't notice.
**stuff sucks right now but then again i kinda feel sorry 4 my sis- i mean kinda might be an understatement- i REALLY feel sorry for my sis.
**aaaaaaaah well.
** just out of interest if anyone knows what the interst with chavs calling people 'gothics' and 'goffs' are please tell me cos i'm dying to know...
**EMO's rule (scene kids, fashion core. whatever you want to call them. thye're still generally haawt)
**i'm also very TIRED (numerous reasons- WONT go into it.)
**I'm hardly ever on MySpace
I'm most definately NOT vegetarian and dont intend to become one (mmmmm... cow carcass)
**the word carcass makes me feel sick