Sarah Gene profile picture

Sarah Gene

I am here for Friends

About Me

Im 17 years old and I live in Oceanside, California which is absolutely beautiful! Im starting my senior year at TCCS- Tri City Christian School this Sept. and hope to go to college somewhere away from home, lol. I have a boyfriend and his name is Michael Pritchett 33 Weve been together for almost 7 months now and weve been through alot together. Thanks for sticking by me booger :-P hehe. I go to DayBreak Community Church in Carlsbad and its amazing... for the first time ever, I feel like I belong. Im apart of a small group there that meets once a week and I hope to get involved in the daycare center there. Life has been great- HARD but getting much better. I pray everyday for the friends ive lost, the ones ive got and the few who im not sure of these days. Thats just a little bit about me :-)

My Interests

School, tennis, friends, love, happiness, sobriety, truth, family

I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet lots of new people this year. No one in particular, just people that will make my world a better place and influence me to do the right thing, and to help me grow along the way.


I like every type of music... it just depends on what mood im in :-)


I love love love Degrassi, Instant Star, The Real World, Surreal Life, Kill Reality, Everybody loves Raymond, Sienfeld, The Cosby Show, and LAGUNA BEACH!


Lord of the Flies, Girl Interrupted, Of Mice and Men, and Too Kill a Mockingbird


Kelly 3