reading.... interior design..... art.... architecture..... massages.... hanging with good friends:)..... my nieces and nephews.... my family..... wish i have a yorkie..... shopping.... parlor.... treatments.... coffee... candles.... cooking.... going to NY to visit things that i missed when i was there:)..... since i am on a long vacation.....CHICKEN TIKKA MASALA AND NAAN.... INDIAN TEA.......japanese food!!!
nice cool people:)
RnB, pop, trance, chillout, house....
pirates of the carribean, chick flicks, i like watching movies.... have lots of faves:)
sex in the city, friends, ER, old movies..., 24....., the sopranos,..... comedy shows:)
the sky is falling, les miserable, love story, the shopaholic series... i like reading:)
my great grandfather, my dad and brother, my mom and sister:):):)