i now go to pisgah high school iam 16 and going crazy iam 6ft 1in and weight 314lbs iam playing football for pisgah GO BEARS !!!!!! iam fun to hang around just ask people that know me they will tell the same "RASIN HELL" iam also a firefighter for clyde fire dept..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
The Redneck Survey
Things About You
What is your name?: chuck ferguson or Q-BALL
How Old Are You: 16
What State & City do u live in?: clyde
Favorite Food?: pizza
What Can Ya Do?
Can you fish: hell yes
Hunt?: yes
Clean a Deer?: yes
Clean a Fish?: yes
Do you talk proper or hick?: hick "RASIN HELL"
Got a boyfriend/girlfriend?: not yet
How do you like your corn?: creamy LOL
Have any vehicles that don't work: no
Have chickens, or used to, if so for how long?: yes 1yr
Own a shotgun?: not anymore
Know how to use it?: yes
Load it?: yes
Got any teeth?: yea all of them
Are you in love: yes
Do you own a tractor: no
Do you like mud: hell yea
Favorite animal: huntin dog
know how to worm an animal: yea
are your teethe straight, if any?: yes
Know any truck drivers?: yea
have a pair of overhauls, or ever had any?: yes
Did you wear em': yea
Do you go to Hillbilly Days in Pikeville Yearly?: never heard of it
Do you love your redneck self?: yep
Do you say Thaink, instead of Think?: thaink
Do you like moonshine?: not bad
Last time you bathed?: last night
okay, I'm a redneck myself, and I know most of em' around here bath daily!
going on... have deer meat in your freezer: no i ate it
have a deer head mounted on your wall?: not yet
have had more than 1 of those singing fish that go on the wall?: yes
the deer?: yes
turkey?: no
any other one's I don't know about?: nope
That was awful fun, if you answered at least 30 with a yes or somthing like: yep
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