oriana profile picture



About Me

A girl still trying to figure out who she is and can be. ^__^..

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My Interests

music, reading only when it's not text books.... food, art

I'd like to meet:

i think sean connery's voice is sexy


i like pop, thats right... pop music..... got any comments? Well, Keep them to yourself!*whua whua whua*And I love to discover new songs. From all over the genre, and countries! I listen to Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and even Russian music (thanks to my friends who tells me about bands I've never heard before)


too many...too many


Gilmore girls,Veronica Mars - Too bad they're all gone. Lately its been Pushing Daisies.


For now...books by Meg Cabot. Usually I like to read romance novels...or teens books.


Amanda, cuz she PIMP-ed my MYSPACE. *wink-wink*