*Boys! *Running through the park on a sunny day. *Running through the park on a rainy day. *Meeting new people. *Strongly mixed adult beverages. *Great food and even better company. *Going to brunch with friends on Sunday mornings then going to get coffee and just kick back.
*Your mom!
*Anyone and everyone. Don't be shy now!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
*Beyonce' *Madonna *J-Lo *Freemasons *BT *Frank Sinatra *The Rolling Stones *The Who *The Cars
*Romy and Michele's High School Reunion *Amelie *The Indiana Jones Trilogy *Any and ALL James Bond films
*Absolutely Fabulous *I Love Lucy *The Golden Girls *American Idol *Sex and the City
*Harry Potter *Angels and Demons *DaVinci Code *Devil in the White City
*My parents! *My friends!