lexis profile picture


...bE a boLlaR aND poP yoUr coLlaR

About Me

iM veRy ouTgoiNg aNd i loVe tO haNg ouT wiTh mY fRieNds aNd juSt haVe a goOd tiMe! i loVe sHopPinG aNd taNniNg! i loVe haNgiNg ouT wiTh mY feLla'S aNd laDieS aNd goiNg to tHe beaCh aND taLkiN @ tHe poOl & sTufF! boYs aRe a muSt! aNd i baSicaLly haNg ouT wiTh jiLl aND bRi! tHey aRe mY giRls foRevEr aNd i loVe tHeM! i aLso daNce @ foOtbaLl gaMEs aND baSkeTbaLl gaMes foR bRunEr! weLl tHats aBouT iT! leaVe a coMmeNt iF yoO waNt tO kNow moRe! tHaNks! loVe yoO coOl peOpLe! 3333333 -Lt-

My Interests



rAp & R&B & puNk


neVer beEn kiSseD.sHalloW haL.sCarfaCe.foRreSt guMp.


laGunA beaCh.tHe oC.siMplE liFe.reAl woRld.TRL.muSic viDeoS.piMp mY riDe.daTe mY moM.sPonGeboB.


tHe cLiquE.pRom.


What kind of jewel are you?
Your beauty is both breathtaking and stunning. Your friends could see you everyday and still be enchanted.

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS -- I'm a Green Converse All-Star
Unique and creative, the phrase 'marching to the beat of a different drummer' fully applies to you. You don't always follow the most conventional path, and you've been described as unorthodox more than once in your life. Still, while you have your critics and naysayers, those who truly stand back and observe can't help admiring your creativity. It's not always in art: in everything you do you add a creative flair, often going the long route to add an extra flash to your work. You're the Manu Ginobili, and while you add an extra flair, you don't do it to call attention to yourself - you do it for the sheer skill and art you see in adding your own special touch.
What color Converse All-Star are you?