My Amazing Daugter, The History of Technology, (Sub)Cultural Topoi, Synthesizers, Dancing on volcanoes, Alkohol, Rauschgift, Aesthetic Nihilism, Romantic Selfdestrction
if the cold war stopped your emotional development in it's adolescent tracks: you're for me. Nebenbei: tattoos as evidence of conviction or fortitude are, as ever, unconvincing.
vinyl and other physical manifistations of music are now and forevermore definitiv unwichtig. trotzdem mag ich: minimal-synth, NDW, newwave, coldwave, electro, anything motorik w/ clever pertinent lyrics, a variety of classic rock/pop/country/goth when I'm in the mood
Threads, Testament, The War Game, The Day After, This is Not a Test, Romero, Mike Liegh
Don't watch much, but: Static, Test Patterns, PBS Kids (with daughter), Simpsons, sex toys roadshow
Authors: Max Goldt, George Orwell, Stansilaw Lem, the list goes on
Frank Tovey, Paris Hilton, Hermann Bausinger, Tom Ellard, Damon Edge