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I am here for Friends

About Me

NiNi cALLs me NuNu...clOsE FrieNds caLL mE NINO... bAtchMaTes caLL me EspI... Ofismates caLL mE Joe... Tahimik laNg aKo. I uSuAlLy spEaK onLy whEn spOkEn to lalo na sA mGa dI ko ka-CloSe. i GuEss tHatS whY tHeY thiNk oF mE aS "masUnGiT" and snoBBiSh buT iM nOt. "FRIENDLY" nGa dAw aKo saBi nG BesPreN ko ÜÜÜ. iM "a GooD fOr nOthIng FriEnd" to One oF mY NeiGhBors. I DONT DRINK (BaRF!!)buT i dO SmOke (MarLBoRo ReDs dA beST). i HaTe pEEpS wHo arE lAte bUt iM a PeRsoN whOse uSuAllY lAtE too! Ü i LoVe kArTiNg (mY StREss rELIevEr). I LoVe chiLLiN' iN oUr CrIb aT TagS wiTh fRiEndS and oFisMatEs. AyOkO nG mAaRtE aT pAsOsYaL (dI naMaN sOsYaL!!). HaTe jEeps, bUsEs, anD TrIkEs sa HiGhwAy.

My Interests

STi's, Evo's, SkyLinE's, SuPra's, TurBo's, F1, WRC, caR AuDio, Dell pc's, Huskies, PS2, sCaLe MoDeLs, MaRLboRo Reds, AdiDaS, KarTinG


MeTalliCa, ALicE iN ChaIns, SouNdGaRdeN, SNooP DoGG, Dre., 50 CenT, LennY KraviTz, JamiRoQuai, DaVe MaTTheWs, DunCun ShEik, GarBaGe, LuDacRis, Mr.BiG, NeLLy, Red HoT ChiLLi PePPerS, RaGe AgainST ThE MacHinE, Toad ThE WeT SpRoCkEt, U2, R.e.M., PeArL JaM, RiVeR MaYa...HeHe!, STP, D' SoUnD, and ThE LiKes


realiTy b iTes, jerry maguire, F & F, 2F 2F, sunseT park, HiGhEr LeArNinG, JuDGemeNT NighT, D1GP, InItIaL D...and The lisT goes on...


F1 & Rally season, onTing NBA, NFL, ATP, amazing race, fear facTor, any good movie from HBO and sTar, x-men EvO, jusTice league, TecH TV


read mosTly car magazines, books??? hmm...harry poTTer 1-five