Christel_says_hi profile picture



About Me

I’m not Someone who’s your typical person who wants to Gain Your respect and live the life other people want me to live. I do and say what I please...I can be Dominant yet Submissive in a way.... My Family and friends would like to say that I am A Stubborn Mule.... yes I make mistakes like everyone else but at least I can Accept my faults and wont regret making them.... I can become Opinionated when agitated and won't hesitate to say what I really feel.... but then again my words are like a wet whip...I am like a loose Cannon Ready to Blow...I am someone who is Random but Formal... Silly yet Stern, Optimistic and Pessimistic...Elegant but Casual... Emotional but also Cynical.. I have the Mind-set that relationships are for keeps I Value them highly... give your 200% regardless...keep trying until you can’t try anymore... If there’s one thing I hate the most are Infidelity and Rude people... To me Kindness is the key to respect for one another.....So Don’t FUCK UP LOL or I’ll get angry.lolI’m Not someone who THINKS they are better than everyone else and expects their Life to be lived out of the ordinary... I am someone who is willing to take the risks that life throws at them...Whatever God Gives me I'll take..... I am An Artist/ a Dreamer/ a lover/ a friend/ someones daughter and to your eyes im just another girl down the block.... In my EYES I Am THE SHIIIIIIITTT ;p


heart attack

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting


My Interests

V. Games, drawing, anime,clubbing, shopping, traveling, phone, eating, sleeping, and SEXXX haha....God im boring

I'd like to meet:

----YOUR MOM-----


I like all types of music from techno, disco, rock and most of all Classical... and not to forget Video game music....XP..... NoBu Uematsu is a God in compossing music for final fantasy.... ~Benny Benassi, ATB, Frou Frou, Imogen Heap, Jack Johnson, The Killers, The Gorillaz, Utada Hikaru, Chihiro Onitsuka, Boa, No Doubt, Korn, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Ramstien, Dash BoardConffessionals, Pussy cat dolls, Paul Okenfold, 12 Girls Band,The Faint, Rasmus, Black Eyed Peas, Carpenters, Bee Gees, Eagles,Pink FLoyed, Ryan Ahern, Motzart, Bach, Beethhoven, Tchikovsky, Handel, VilVadi, Claude Debussy, Offenbach, Haydn,Edvard Grieg, CHOPIN


I love action/adventure/horror/comedy/animation/sometimes love stories....i wouldnt pay to see a love flic in a theater ....mmm i dunno i like movies that keeps u interested,thinking,and that has a good plot to it. I LOVE Zombie movies or anything that has to do with survival. I LOVE GORE .




hooked on phonics and Porn mags haha


* My Parents & Family (for their love,support, and Sacrafice...The people who rasied me);* JEN, My Wonderful Maganger(shes an example of a Real Strong Woman... A Woman of her Words);* My Grandma and Grandpa Daddy-Rick....(hes the Sage in my life...They Are people of great knowledge...and a Grand Hearts....A true Example of Love)...* My Friends (My brothas and sistas from anotha motha... The people we can trust, cry on eachothers shoulders, and Get piss drunk and they'll never let you forget about how Stupid and Great you are together)....These Poeple are a Gift From God...The people who shape your life and aspire you to do better and become a greater person...But either than that..... LARA CROFT!!!! i love her, i wanna grow up to be just like lara ;D~~~ I LOVE MY LIFE!~~~

My Blog

feeling bitter...a rant on "true love"

Funny I've been hearing all this talk about true love lately. True Love, everyone wants from the beging of life... Stories from cleopatra, to the greek gods psyche and eros,shakespr...
Posted by Christel_says_hi on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:01:00 PST

My Poor Cat , Poosy, Passed today

::Sigh:: my Cat Poosy Died today....she was only 2 yrs old ;( Poosy's been sick for a long time...she had a tumor and we didnt find out till two days ago. Examination and operation would have cos...
Posted by Christel_says_hi on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 07:13:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Christel_says_hi on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:36:00 PST


drawing too much makes you dizzy.... kinda like sex... dont know what just happend after ur done, just so dizzy, tired, and feel unaccomplished LOL
Posted by Christel_says_hi on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:39:00 PST

My Review onTomb Raider: Legend

GOD I LOVE LARA CROFT!!! that bitch is so awsome..... but yeah I just recently beat this game, it took me 2 days to finish ((yeah i have no life....playing video games is all i have to live for hah......
Posted by Christel_says_hi on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 05:35:00 PST