I'm normal. At least, what used to be considered "normal". My parents are still married, happy, and we see each other often. I have a good relationship with my two brothers and sister. I attend church weekly and volunteer often. I'm happily married to my best friend. We aren't on drugs, don't party all night, don't beat on each other, and the neighbors don't have to call the police when we disagree with each other. We're the ideal chick-flick married couple. And we watch too many movies.
I wear khakis and a tie every day to my day job, though not by choice (I prefer jeans and sandals). I don't have any piercings or tattoos, although I've debated both. I don't have long hair; I'm always impressed by people who can pull it off, but I can't. Mine just gets frizzy and dry and poofs out. Short is easier, but I'm still too lazy to style it most of the time.
I like going to the grocery store. I'd never want to be so famous that going to the grocery store is not possible any more. Or drive myself. I like to drive myself. I drive a Toyota, but I'll get one of those cool, electric eco-cars someday. I'm a Mac fan and not ashamed to admit it. I don't consider myself very political, but I do have opinions, which I mostly keep to myself. I'd love to change the world, but I'll start by entertaining them first.
My songs are diverse and catchy, at least I think so. I don't like just one style of music, but I guess pop-rock is my favorite. Shuffle on my iPod would bring up James Brown right after Soundgarden, followed by Frank Sinatra, then some weird artsy stuff of unknown origin. That's how I write, too. It's just whatever comes out.
Most people I know are the same way in their musical tastes. They want something accessible, understandable, clever, and catchy. Something artsy enough to be cool and unique, but still familiar enough to sing along. I really sing, I don't scream (usually). And I play guitar. I can play other things, but my friends are better at it than me.
I've often thought that famous people have to be screwed up in order to become well-known. I hope not. I don't think I'm that screwed up; I think I'm pretty ordinary. But I'd like to be well-known, but still drive myself to the grocery store.
So that's me. I'm Christopher Joel.
Oh yeah, I'm also working on my first recording. I'm calling it Fantasy World, after the song which you can hear on my site (go to the music page) or any of my profile pages. It should come out in July of 2008.