Hella Ran Van Hooligan profile picture

Hella Ran Van Hooligan


About Me



I'm an uncoventional soul with an eclectic attitude.
In other words:

I'm Weird yo.

Sup' Fool!

My Interests

everyones got them.

of the week.


im kidding.

getting down with the
Long Time Homies, 5 Minute Friends, & Strangers

I'd like to meet:

thank you kindly.

and DORKS like this...

I desire to hear VOICES like this every night...


i heart him.


my otherHALF
my brownSISTAR!
my leftBRAIN!

My Blog

The Most Awesome Duo Ever!

Don't fuck with us! We fight bitchassness and don't tolerate ignorance and whorish tendencies! We'll cut your ass San Quentin style! Hiya ho! We'll give you ten seconds to surrender your analness and ...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:53:00 PST

50 Things To Do Before Im 50

So I thought of this idea when I was a senior in highschool. Technically I stole this idea from my weird Anatomy and Physiology teacher. Besides a thorough lecture which emphasized which sexually tran...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:29:00 PST

The Things You Might Find Absurd on The Internet, I Think Are Thimply Faaaabulouthz!

Besides the very original tune Bang! Bang! Bang! that to this day, six years later is still implanted into the hearts of many and finding its way to the inboxes of the crushes of universal geeks, here...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Thu, 29 May 2008 10:11:00 PST

On ESPN & Things The News Says You Should Worry About

So last night I couldn't sleep. Although my insomnia was nothing new to me, I thought that I would embrace it and turn on the television. To my annoyance, Jon & Kate Plus 8 wasn't on and I didn't ...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 12:07:00 PST

This Just Proves You Cant Flunk When Your Drunk (Or High)

"Study high. Take the test high. Get high scores.""Study drunk n never flunk!"Finally! Something super fucking awesome that can lift me out of the shit hole that i've been standing in for these past f...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:38:00 PST

Something To Provoke Your Thoughts!

Damnit. If we were best friends, I would have died with her. ...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 12:59:00 PST

Strange Thoughts From Equally Strange People (Including Myself and Things I Like To Do)

I think God is just like a child with an ant farm. The analogy being: once kids get bored of their ant farm, they throw the ants out and forget about them. In God's case, he kills us. So in order to l...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Wed, 28 May 2008 05:09:00 PST

7 Reasons Why Pandas Dont Belong in Alaska

Dear Anthony, Here are seven reasons why we cannot steal the pandas from the zoo and smuggle them into Alaska. Besides the fact that panda cartel would be extremely expensive to overnight ship, here a...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Fri, 23 May 2008 09:38:00 PST

Finals Update: Emo Edition v2.0

Sociology Final Update:I'm home. Completely killed my final. Can you say A++?! SWOON! Im too bored yet in celebratory mode right now. I'm determined to party after every final I have this week. Start...
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:21:00 PST

If I Lived My Life As A Comic Strip...

Then this would be me. Exactly....
Posted by Hella Ran Van Hooligan on Mon, 19 May 2008 09:32:00 PST