I'm Jaybee Bagunu. Female. Filipino.
I love dancing, playing volleyball, singing, playing the drums, shoes, food, and the number seven.
GET AT ME : [email protected] - AIMscreenname : JAYBEAAAAAAST -
YouTube - Boogiezone
Eat. Breathe. Sleep.
Dance & Me : I love performing. To inspire and to be inspired is what it's all about. I got a big heart for dancing, and it just keeps growing and growing. I dance 'cause I'm happy, mad, upset, etc. It's one of my biggest stress-relievers, and always has been.
Training/Experience/Credits : Fresh Groove Productions 2001-2006 (Groups : Mystique 2002-2006 & Style Elementz 2006-2007). DREAM Dance Studio's PNE Team '07. Workshops and drop-in classes at DREAM whenever I can make room!
- Fresh Groove Productions commercial (2001)
- Mystique with 1st place at Hilton Hotel musical competition (2003)
I honestly do not remember alot, but there were tons of performances..Dreams & Goals : To somehow not get my volleyball schedule to hold me back from my passion to dance anymore longer! :( To never stop for whatever reason. To share what I know/do. To learn more and grow every step of the way. To continue being inspiring and inspired.
Shout Outs/Thank You's : God, family, friends, Cezar Tantoco, Jenn Galo, Deerawk, and alot more. To everyone who supported me and my journey to strive to become a better dancer with a bigger passion.
I'm down with ACDC!
My video is coming soon!