Snorkeling, Handgliding, Karate, Biking, Magic, Makeup, beach and mountains. Nature and outdoors... Creative Laughter... People who use there minds. People that take care of others.
Eddie Izzard, Steven Hawkins, David Copperfield, The Governator,Mel Gibson,Bill Englval, Mel Brooks, Rich Devos, Cheryl Lad, Roy Disney, Mrs. Fields, Tom Jones, Willie Nelson, Don King, Peter Jackson, Vince Vaughn, Colin Mackery, Rick Baker, Tom Savina,...
country, rock, R&B, sound tracks, some metal, anything but rap (except Vincent Price in thriller) damn near anything...I like all kinds
Young Frankenstein, Great Race, Pink Panter, Skin Deep, Black Rain, All James Bond, Any action flick, Fairy Tale, Wizard of Oz, Alien, Halloween, Fog, Jaws... on and on and on
Cheers, Taxi, I love Lucy, Hour of Hours, Dean Martin(he is always having fun and has babes around), Lost, Wild Wild West, Coach, Will and Grace,Queer as Folk Whose line is it. And comedy that doesn't short cut humor with toilet humor (Simson and shit like that)
my memory book which I lost awhile back...
My Dad (WWII) Veteran of both invasions Europe and Pacific. Albert Einstein, Vincent Price, anyone who makes this world a better place .