Chicks,Soccer,Movies,Chicks,Soccer,Movies,Chicks,Soccer,Movi es,Chicks,Soccer,Movies,Chicks,Soccer,Movies,Chicks,Soccer,M ovies,Chicks,Soccer,Movies,Chicks,Soccer,Movies,Chicks,Socce r,Movies,Chicks,Soccer,Movies,Chicks,Soccer,Movies,Chicks,So ccer,Movies- but mostly the chicks
Iwanna meet James's mom so much!
Hip-Hop, R&B, Classical, nd some Raggae
Batman Begins, Red Eye, The Longest Yard, The Bourne Identidy, The Bourne Supremecy, Fever Pitch, War of the Worlds, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore,
Fresh Prince, 24, House, CSI, Law & Order, Cold Case
Ahaha that was funny. Like I read!
Mike Monte RIP