Im a person that is true to what i say and do.I have a hard time trusting people in what they say or do.I been messed over alot by so called homeboys and chicks.Im quiet until i think i can trust you.I used to be a person in the fast lane but when my 2boys came into this world i slowed down alot.Its hard to stay up in this world with fake people out there messing up people lives and minds. Hopefully i will find my one before i leave this world. This is to the real people much loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee write more later peace
#3 FREEDOM IS: F-ighting for a just and noble cause R-especting others rights and dignity E-xchanging of views without fear E-mpowring others to be free from tyrany. D-oing morally rightful and lawful things O-ffering others opportunity to live descent life M-utual sharing as brothers and sisters. for FREEDOM IS NEVER F-ighting to deprive others rights R-aping the right and dignity of anyone E-xploiting the ignorance and weakness of others E-xperimenting others life for an immoral cause D-irect assault of one's private life in disguise of freedom O-utliving others with the power of guns and goons M-utual sharing at the expense of the weak. kyles Chat