I have so many interests that my time on this rock will not possibly be enough to include them all, but, condensation occurs naturally so I progress... I want to work for myself doing what I love to do, traveling the world and sharing it with anyone who'll see, by way of photography. I want to hold tight onto my dream lady (the lovely and talented Heather McIvor - aka H-bomb - aka Heatherliscious aka - aka the Polish Knockout - aka MY Mommy! aka my sweet love) and stare into her eyes and hold her forever, without completely obliterating the aforementioned passions. I want to tell my dearest family and friends that I love them every day, and my little puppy Beanie too. I want everyone else to stop driving in Atlanta so I never ever get pissed off again at the dumb masses that seem to flow like ebola through the concrete arteries of our roadways. Fair Tax Fair Tax Fair Tax. I want people to be informed, each day is for us to learn and grow as individuals, and for the people that want to let life go by on a TV screen, factor this...Guatemala!
The real me! And I know he's dead but Ansel Adams, so I can find out if there is any merit to the comparisons (thanks momma)
LIVE MUSIC Y'ALL! I don't care what it is if it sounds good live. That's easy enough, but I am on tour with the ZACBROWNBAND. You find alot of my photography floating around on their pages, which you can find in my top friends. I also love Sonia Leigh and Levi Lowery and not because I've got images on their pages either, but because they are incredibly talented and tremendous together. Go check theck them out. Nappy's joint is a hip-hop reggae rock fury and shouldn't be missed. Eric, the ZBB knob twister, can play guitar too as Nappy of Nappy's Joint. John Hopkins, bassist for ZBB, also has prduced albums for his own band, Brighter Shade, and they too kick ass. See members get back together at the Tin Roof most Sundays! Actually most of my Top friends are linked so you could check out my friends and my photography at the same time.
Simpsons, Family Guy, Fox News with Brit Hume, all the educational shows( as long as they're not teaching how to use their product)and ESPN!!!!!
ones that inform and inspire...Fair Tax, Norton Antthology of World Masterpieces, anything by Ansel Adams, who thankfully was not around to see film die.
People that accept the consequences of their own actions... i.e. people that make mistakes, admit to them (honesty) and learn from them instead of looking for another to blame. We are where we are in life because of the choices we make.