anatomy and physiology. androgyny. angels. animal rights. animals. basketball. beer. behavior modification. bowling. catch 22 bass lines. cedar point! chapstick. cheese. chicago. coffee. compassion. conversing with people i know. criminology. cuddling. culture. custom cars. daisy and mia and mittens. dance dance revolution. drums. eating. edward scissorhands. emily. emotional attachment. exercise. exploring. family. farm animals. friends. fritz perls videos. game shows. god. grand rapids. hair dye. hats. heat. holidays. human rights. humane societies. jim. jim's cooking. jim. jim. kindness. learning. listening. lowriders. magic tricks. making out. meeting new people that i feel comfortable with. mexican food. miracles. mountain dew. movie previews. naps. night swimming. organic food. people watching. percussion. piercings. politics. reminiscing. psychology. sanchez. scott klopfenstein projects. serial killers. ska shows. skate shoes. skateboarding. sledding. softball. staying up all night for any reason at all. summertime in alpena. sunshine. sweet pea scent. t-shirt sheets. taco bell. tattoos. tetris. that car ride music game w/em. thinking about and wishing i could experience different decades. thrift stores. trivia. true ghost stories. vegetarianism. vertigo. watching people fall down but not get hurt. wearing basketball shorts all the time even though i get made fun of. zoos.
THINGS I REALLY DISLIKE: having my best friend move to washington state. unexpected confrontation. mean people. being cold. meat. extreme pessimism. vivisection. burning cd's. humane societies. zoos. church. being itchy. factory farms. hearing other people brush their teeth. sirens. emotional attachment. loose hairs. vomit and anything associated with it. group work. animal breeding. talking on the phone with people that live in the same town instead of just hanging out with them. cigarette smoke. class presentations. f'in migraines. people who don't change the tp roll. unreliable people. staying up all night for no reason at all (i.e. insomnia).
Anyone. I'm not trying to look popular. I am simply refusing to be a snob.
Reel Big Fish
Plain White T's
Paul Baribeau
Haste the Day
Johnny Cash
and ALMOST everything else. seriously.
Edward Scissorhands. Kill Bill. Crash. Lots More.
Books that teach me things instead of telling me good stories. And books that tell me good stories.