take it or leave it but the next one will enjoy it profile picture

take it or leave it but the next one will enjoy it

If you cant look back at your work and be proud that it came of your craft, then why do it?

About Me

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To the people who already know me, then you know what im about. And to the people who dont know me, well my best advice is to start now because you have alot to get caught up on. I have to say that im one of the realest kats you will ever know. i tell it like it is cause ill save alot of time by telling the truth versus laying sprinkles across the top to make yall feel better, and time is always money. so if you think you have room for someone like me to stay trill with you when you need it, then holla at ya boi.Get at me anyway you can aight: yahoo- redd_day719 aol- daypbj

My Interests

my interest is music, singing it, writing it, and becoming one with it. and hey music is going to be my ticket out of this ghetto

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people with some kind passion for whatever it is in life that they strive to be great at. because without the passion and drive to be great at your craft, your craft becomes nothing more than undefined hobby.* I want to meet my beloved brother through Jesus christ* R.I.P Xavi you may not be present in the flesh but your soul is like a eternal flame- i love you homie


i love all types of music. a better understanding of different types o f music offers a better understanding towars many different cultures


i watch anything from comedy, drama, horror, to love movies. i guess you can say i watch anything that is out on bootleg lol


i mainly watch CSI and other shows about the law and killing. other than that i stay on music channels and cooking channels


believe it or not i read alot. i enjoy reading books based on the many different lifestyles of the wide number of cultures hat we have in the world. it helps me not to be so narrow minded when it comes to other people and their customs and beliefs.


My hero would have to be batman for the mere fact that he doesnt have a super power at all. he is just a rich man, who can fight and is extremely smart. that means he works harder that almost any super hero out there. But on the real i strive to be my own hero, setting my own standards to live by, but my mom has always be my superwoman.

My Blog

we are all kings and Queens

you might not agree with this notion nor will many understand it. but i will try my best to break it down in a manner that you can view the wider picture. it is our birth right to be kings and queens ...
Posted by I GOT A BUTCHER AND HE STRAIGHT CLEAN RIBS- HOLLA! on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 07:18:00 PST

is it too good to be true?

love is a gift given to us by god himself the very moment we are born. think about it before we are born into this world we are destined to be loved and to love. but the love that we long to share wit...
Posted by I GOT A BUTCHER AND HE STRAIGHT CLEAN RIBS- HOLLA! on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 05:05:00 PST