♥ sO iN lOvE ♥ profile picture

♥ sO iN lOvE ♥

♥i LoVE My BaBy ♥

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HotFreeLayouts♥ The nAMes.:Jessica Mutha Fucen RegO ♥ ♥So0 ChokE oN iT BiTCHEZZ!♥ ♥DoN't gEt iT TWiSTED.♥ ♥iM TaKen .. by my baby jEfFeRsOn " hEs My RidE Or diE.!! 12-13-06 ♥ ♥ Im SeVentEen ♥ ♥ANd I LovE HaVen FuN!!♥ ♥i LoVe hanGin Out wIt My sIsta KrIstEn tHe LoVe oF mY liFe ♥ ♥i lovE My CuziNs ConNie u GuyS arE abSoLutLy AusOmE ♥ ♥Steven Rondon you are likE a BrotHeR tOo me♥ ♥i don't knoe what i would do without you ♥ ♥ i Don"t cAre WhAt PeOpLe ThInK oF mE ♥ ♥ AnD i Don"t JuDge AnyOne YoU aRe wHo You aRe ♥ ♥ I LovE bItChes Who HaTe On Me ♥ ♥WhaT WouLd We Do0 WithOut ThEM AHA!! ♥ ♥ KEep SweAtiN Me cUz nO oNe BriNgs Me DOwn ..... ♥ ♥ If yOu wAnNa ChAt YoU cAn cAtcH Me @ ♥ ♥ LiLMiSsJeSs1213 ♥ ♥JefFerSon BABY.. i have alot to say.. first off baby u are the one i have always dreamed of having in my life and my dream oviously came true. ever since the day i met u my life has changed in a way that i cannot explain.Everytime i am with you i get butterflies in my tummy and i always feel that its to good to be true but then i look and i i say nope this is my HUBBY i have found the RIGHT one FOR me!!! lol u are the one im always thinking about the love i live for and the person i want to be with forever. there is only one person in my life that means everything baby and thats u you and i neva want to see myself with no other person u are my love my life my everything. Its Weird how we fell in love sooo Quick but hey SHIT happends and i am soo happy that if happend to me and i no that it happend for a good reason!!! b-cuz i always wanted some one to talk to , to comfort me ,and to love me the way you do And i wouldn't give you up for the world!!!. i wana thank you for everything baby ...For chengen my hole life to a better one and for always being thea for me i couldn't ask for more from u.. i love u so0o much and nothing can EVER change that and nothing will ever come in between us to mess any thing up. our love is forever and nothing will ever change that.. umm yeah these past few days are unexplainable and i cant realy say much other that you are incredible baby u are one of a kind And my one and only!! and baby u are so0o special to me .. i missed u so much when u went to texas u don't even understand i was so lonley without you by my side and i neva felt like that in my life baby thats how i no that u are for real. BAby these past couple of days our love for each other have gone stronger and we have gotten alot closer baby i love u so0o much and nothing will ever change that baby I LOVE U 12-13-06 till forever x0x0x0x♥

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♥EvEyOnE tHiS Is My LoVE Of My LiFe AnD aLsO My hUsBanD.. hE iS tHe mosT AmAzIng PerSon AnyoNe CaN eVer THinK oF or Ask fOr. He Is aLwaYs tHea For Me ThrEw Go0D anD bAd and WhEn i Am sIck oR wHen Im DowN He is tHea To CaTer to Me And maKe Me SmiLe He Is AlSo MY BESTFRIEND! I CAN TRUST WITH EVERYTHIGN I HAVE .tHats Why i LovE hIm So MucH ..He iS my EverYthIng TheA iS no oTha NigGa ThaT CoulD MakE Me As HapPY aS He DoEs oR eVeR ReplAcE hIm beCauSe he iS my oNe aNd OnlY!! BaBy i UsE To ThiNk i Was in LoVe in tHe PasT But Boy Was i WronG cuz The fEelinGs tHat i HavE haD For All them OthErs waS noT liKe YoU Baby yOu OpenD my HeaRt To sOmEtHinG sPeciAL ThaT i NevER New wAs TheA i NevEr ThouGht i WoulD be So in Love WitH SoMeonE So fAst ThaTs HoW i NeW fRom tHe StaRt ThaT WaT We HavE iS REAL LOVE!! JusT liKe OuR SOnG But AnyWayS yEah BaBes i No SomEtiMes We AruguE bUt hEy Who DoeSn'T u No At leaSt wE WorK ThinGs Out And No MaTteR HoW bAd It Is Baby i No That We Can Get thRew AnyThinG!! We HaVe BeCamE sO StrOnG ThAt ThEaZ nO oNe ThAt Can ComE bEtwEen Us!!! weLl bAby Im Lo0kiNg Forward tO SpeNdiNg My HolE LifE WitH YoU And TheAs NoThiNg ThaT cAn cHanGe ThaT U mAkE Me Fe3L So MuCh bEtTer aBouT mySelf when u tell me i look sooo beautiful i love it baby I loVe The FacT tHat uR So SweEt aNd GentlE To mE iHavE neVa HaD a man liKE u And i WIll neVa givE u Up!!! cuZ i No i WilL nevA FinD nO BetTeR or The SamE aS YoU... WhEN u TelL Me HoW u FeeL aNd u Lo0k In My EyEs i NO ThaT it TRUE LOve and i NO tHAt U FeEl mE As MuCh aS i FeEl YoU... ThaTs WhaT I LoVe The MoSt aBoUt Us. BaBy i Can'T bEleAve YoU hAVe To LeAvE Me FoR a yEar omG WaT am i GonNa Do WitH ouT u AroUnd Me AnD My FAm u no We Are GonNa MiSs yOu LiKe CrAzY,.. MomMy TolD me ThaT WhEn u ComE Back Down to SpeNd tImE ThAt tHe DooR WiLl aLwaYs Be Open to You CuZ sHe loVes You liKe a Son! iTs So FunNy ThAt EvEn mY fAmilLy grew FeElinGs FoR yOu NoT onLy Me lol bUt ThAts Go0d! i HopE ThiNgS neVa ChaNgE BetWeen uS my LoVe Well baBy RunNing ouT Of RoOm so lIsTen i LovE u WiTh All My HeaRt I NevA wAnt to lOosE u .. U ARE mY LiFe OkAY .... MuAhH 12-13-06 TilL FoReVeR! ♥