ROLLER DERBY!!!, S.W.A.T. boys, PBR is the shiznit, offroading in any form, my new Haro and now ineludible knee scabs, squirelly dirt trails, bonsai, almost anything hands-on and creatively stimulating, doing nothing when you really should be doing something, doing something when there's nothing to do, doing things that you really shouldn't do, pub crawls (not really possible in the USA), sucking at pool, defacing things.. :-) and hella 4:20 for days bro! ...ooh. I'm feeling the need to mention tattooing here. Yes, it's an interest of mine...
My future ex-husband~ Mr. Mustaine!
More people who have a serious survival plan in place should the zombie apocalypse ever come to be. I could be useful...
And more of you wild Americans who know no social boundaries!
Hey, send a hello consisting of more than one line if you'd like to add me to your trophy room!!!
METAL in it's most glorious form- THRASH. And a sprinkling of electronica for shits n giggles.
I haven't seen the latest installation in the Rambo lineup, but I'm pretty sure he blows every other movie ever made out of the water with his rocket launcher.
Dopeland by John Birmingham (get your hands on that one! Fuckin' crackup!), Musashi, epics by David Eddings & Robert Jordan's, but it'll be ten years before I get done with that.. And, I used to love on comics a fair bit.
Lobo. He's about as swell as a guy can be! And Tank Girl ~she fucks kangaroos!