Mercy profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I've been known to do silly things from time to time, enough to have acquired the term a "Mercy maneuver". I could give a few examples but it's probably more amusing to me and if know me, and if that's the case then you've probably herd the stories and have witnessed a few for yourself. Sometimes I have trouble knowing where my body ends and the rest of the universe begins, thus I bump into people when I walk next to them and I also tend to wound myself, especially in the kitchen - ever since I started cooking homemade goodness, I use sharp knives and have cut the fuck out of my fingers, usually in the same place tooo. I've burned my forearms on ovens/hot pans so many times - it looks like I like to cut myself. So yeah I have spatial issues - which is all totally and completely astrological, it's clear as day in my chart. Anyway I also have earned the term a "Mercy minute" because I have literally NO sense of time - I try so hard too, I just don't know whats realistic when it comes to time and how long things take, again totally astrological and in my chart. So is that enough to know about me. Can you tell that I like to cook and bake, know astrology and am a silly girl? Theres so much more to say but this is enough.

My Interests

Astrology, esoteric studies and practice, family, friends, food, art, music...basically everything in life except work! I actually don't mind working, if i could do what i love i'd be irie, wink wink.I like to steal magazines from waiting rooms


I think I'd have to say my #1 true love is Reggea, it makes a girl wanna move. But really I love all kinds of music from old to new, I can not tell a lie I love me a fat bass!!


I don't watch tv that much anymore but here's some I like, South Park, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Simpsons, Family Guy, Flavor of Love...


The only non astrological or estoeric books I've ever finished is Harry Potter, but I swear I'm not a dork:) maybe I am a dork, but I like them becuase of the magic and I feel like I come from a world of magic and i miss it, even though life is/can be magical I miss it being out in the open on the physical plane ok, and I know I sound loco. Any and all Alice Baily and DK...