Astrology, esoteric studies and practice, family, friends, food, art, music...basically everything in life except work! I actually don't mind working, if i could do what i love i'd be irie, wink wink.I like to steal magazines from waiting rooms
I think I'd have to say my #1 true love is Reggea, it makes a girl wanna move. But really I love all kinds of music from old to new, I can not tell a lie I love me a fat bass!!
I don't watch tv that much anymore but here's some I like, South Park, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Simpsons, Family Guy, Flavor of Love...
The only non astrological or estoeric books I've ever finished is Harry Potter, but I swear I'm not a dork:) maybe I am a dork, but I like them becuase of the magic and I feel like I come from a world of magic and i miss it, even though life is/can be magical I miss it being out in the open on the physical plane ok, and I know I sound loco. Any and all Alice Baily and DK...