All Aspects of Professional Wrestling, Bodybuilding, Writing, Reading, Traveling, Music, Education, My website, Mason Raige
Anyone with an interesting story to tell. We can learn and benefit from anyone who crosses our paths. "We have no friends. We have no enemies. We only have teachers." --ancient proverb.
Kiss, Rush, Metallica, Frank Sinatra, Led Zep, Bill Conti, '80s name it. To be continued
Rocky I-VI, American History X, Pumping Iron, The Breakfast Club, The Karate Kid, Midnight Run, Copland, Goodfellas, Scarface, Weird Science, Old School, Wedding Crashers, Swingers, Paradise Alley, Terminator, Cinderella Man.
WWE, Yankees Baseball, Scrubs, 24, House, Boston Legal, Family Guy, VH1 Behind the Music, Prison Break, Rescue Me, Entourage, Will & Grace, 'Til Death. Sometimes I kick it old school with Good Times, Seinfeld, Happy Days, and HBO's Oz.
Education of a Bodybuilder, Any and All Professional Wrestling Biographies/Autobiographies (I have read and re-read just about all of them), Tales of the City series (Maupin), Maybe the Moon, The Night Listener, Catcher in the Rye (timeless), A Million Little Pieces, Way of the Peaceful Warrior (may change your life), The Gold Coast (really any DeMille novel), A Time to Kill (so provocative), A Painted House, Death of a Salesman (play), The Giving be continued.
Heroes is a strong word, but here are a few people who have traits that I admire: Gene Simmons (a consummate business man and a great family man) Arnold Schwarzenegger (amazing focus and ability to reach goals), Sylvester Stallone (great writer, man of conviction), Derek Jeter (great leader, humble and well rounded), Hulk Hogan (larger than life), Vince McMahon (gutsy, a pioneer)