Kathleen profile picture


I got my feet on the ground and a head on my shoulders. ~Lorna Newton

About Me

I want to travel more. Lots more.
Everything is possible. Nothing is impossible.
Help support my zine!!!

Issue 002: Public Restrooms.

My Interests

Waking up every morning and realizing that today is a good day to be alive, bartending (oh how I have missed you so!), reading zines, zine trades, blogging about zines, creating my own zine called Xploited, making out with my boyfriend, discovering new music, pole dancing lessons, 6am spinning classes, wakeboarding, snowboarding, traveling, thrift store shopping, zesty lemon cookies, Girl Scout cookies, Scharffen Berger chocolate, my vintage Maud Frizon shoes, fifty dollar sugar lychee scented candles, anything Hello Kitty, anything Gumby, Yelping, writing, my "me" time, friends, family, slowing down to smell the daisies, daydreaming, living life to the fullest, comprehensive sex education in all public schools, making a positive difference, being positive, crossing over the finish line, crossing things off of my "To-Do List", being happy, being productive, supporting local artists, using my brain power daily, karma, Jamba Juice, ice cream, really good house music, making collages, chocolate souffle, sunshine, the best kitties in the world....RIP Fhil, RIP Buck, a desire to host fondue and champagne parties for my wonderful girlfriends, Ms PacMan and sometimes just not giving a fuck. Taking each day, one day at a time and not giving a rat's ass about the small shit...

I'd like to meet:

Martin Luther King Jr, Keith Haring and Diablo Cody


Francois K-a whole other level of djing and producing. Pretty much a musical genius.

Playing vinyl-a lost artform?

Slug. Atmosphere.


Unplug your television.


I love to read. Reading is food for the mind and soul. Everybody should read.
I just finished reading "Dishwasher" by Pete Jordan and it was awesome. Buy it and read it!


People who have no fear, People who do, People who do what they say

My Blog

Bartender Blog

As some of you may already know, I am giving up the day job and going back to bartending at night while I pursue a video production internship and get my foot in the door in the industry. I am finally...
Posted by Kathleen on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 11:02:00 PST

Bay To Breakers 2008

There is a reason why it took me a week to post the pictures from Bay To Breakers this year. First of all, my camera broke. Yes, it was dead and there was no bringing her back. She had been on her las...
Posted by Kathleen on Sun, 25 May 2008 04:21:00 PST


I can't believe its been a week since I came back from Belize. Here I am FINALLY getting the pictures online.This year for my dad, Pete's birthday, we celebrated his big 5-0 in Belize.I had an amazing...
Posted by Kathleen on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 01:01:00 PST