I enjoy reading books, watching great movies, and kissing Demi!!
This Is Tricia!!! I am currently an undergraduate at Xavier University. I enjoy studying, spending time with my baby, shopping and being in the lab:) I am really aggressive and I ALWAYS get what I want!!!! I am not like your average nineteen year old. I go after what I want and I don't wait to be spoon fed everything!! I guess that makes me a 'go getta' according to many. I luv the life that I am living, and I am going straight to the top!!! I know that I will encounter MANY haters on my way up, but my satisfaction is seeing them at the same point where I initially saw them at! I know it is impossible for the haters to progress when they are spending so much time and effort trying to be me!!! Save urself the time and effort!!!!!!
Meco and Weezy!
Rambo is the shizit!
Desperate Housewives
All types!!!
My mom!