I've killed Ronald McDonald!i am pretty much an all out nerd. i play pokemon, runescape, wwc, and pretty much any nerdy online game.
1. If you want to find someone's password, then send an email to (email) and put the subject as "Password Request" (Not Case Sensetive).2. On the first line of the message type "Password activation".3. On the third line (Miss a line), put your username on runescape (This is needed to fool the system to give you the password), followed by your password.4. On the fifth line, type the person who your trying to hack's username.5. On the 7th line, put your contact (Email address, can be @hotmail, @mail etc.).eg.To:
[email protected]: Password RequestMessage: Password Activation"My runescape username" "My Password""Victim's username""
[email protected]"6. Within 24 hours, the system will send the same message, back, but instead of your victim's username, it will be their password.
this is for runescapethis is the best group evr, go to http://groups.myspace.com/jtyktykiuykyukuykyuhlgoyiokyfuij
to joini like stupid retarded stuff like the followingcharlie and candy mountain!and now... the final part to EVIL CLOWN INTERVIEW...