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About Me

I stole the TV!

My Interests

i enjoy lots of things. PAINTING, collaging,coffeeeeee, nature, wine, boots, reading, music music music, good earth sweet and spicy tea, making cards, chheeese, mix tapes,being a cookie monster, Dutch, French, music, drawing, kopplins,apple cidar vinegar, writing, chocolate, bicycling, tights,running,traveling, mushrooms, glasses,talking and not talking we could talk or not talk for hours, dadels, slips, haircuts,walking,sewing, parties, porches, picnics, pictures, politics, cooking, baking, silence.

I'd like to meet:

both of the edith beales.


martin dosh,wilco,andrew bird,haley bonar,neil young, joni mitchell, peter bjorn and john, mia, tapes 'n tapes, jeremy hanson, the beatles, radiohead,billie holiday,happy apple,thom york, halloween alaska,alpha consumer, north,miles davis, marvin gaye, rosetta tharpe, micheal jackson, prince, uncle tupelo,karen dalton, leonard cohen, animal collective, chris koza, TV on the radio, feist, simon and garfunkle, tom waits, Trex, martin dosh, bob dylan, califone, david bowie, brian eno, led zeppelin, lou reed, louis armsrong, miles davis, queen, nirvana, melanie,teegan and sarah, elliot smith, missy, janis joplin, van morrison, belle and sebastian,yeah yeah yeahs, low, laurie anderson, led zeppelin, iggy pop and the stooges, the national, brother ali, pharoah monch, desdemona, maida, bruce springsteen, cat power, azure ray, yo yo ma,david garza, the bad plus, the ronettes, king shindig, holly golightly, white stripes, modest mouse, fiona apple, the plastic ono band, tom petty, be'rut, micheal jackson, loretta lynn,tom petty!, debussy, edith piaf, neutral milk hotel, talking heads, elo, lisa germano, latin playboys, fleetwood mac, four starz, gillian welch, paul simon, devotchka, kings of leon...just to name a few...


to kill a mockingbird, buffalo 66, grey gardens,the wedding singer, ameli. . .


strangers with candy curb your enthusiasm the office


the artists way by julia cameron the passion by jeanette winterson, The Invitation by Oriah The Road - Cormick McArthy Brave New World, Aldious Huxley Bukowski. A Handmaid's tale, Cat's Eye, The Blind Assasin -Margeret Atwood. Anything by David sedaris


my sisters, my mom, my dad, john lennon, van gogh, eddie and eddie beale, egon schielle, phillip guston

My Blog

the true and the questions, part 1

When I look deep in my eyes, I see a little girl lost, but walking down a green marsh, sheltering herself against an inconspicuos gust of wind humming slowly to herself she creeps up the small hill an...
Posted by torey on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 08:15:00 PST

big big big...

Remember the movie Big? I had dreams and nightmares that Tom Hank's experience would someday happen to seems like it has, in a sense. Oh the conundrum of 'life slipping by so quickly' has been...
Posted by torey on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 01:54:00 PST

cycling peacefully past the poppy fields...

It was no more than 23 degrees as I continued my journey acrossed the glorious plains of Holland. I would gaze to the left at a castle in the distance, beautifully sculpted, manipulating my mind back ...
Posted by torey on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 01:52:00 PST

Bringing in the New Euro...

Happy New Year to All! After a long flight, I finally made it to Laren, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, the land of the cheese.  I had a flight delay in Chicago, causing me to miss my flight from Ire...
Posted by torey on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 08:55:00 PST

the only perk of being home. . .

The only perk of being home is. . . well, I don't quite know.  But I do know, for a fact, that it is not Perkins.  Rapid City's only 24 hour resturaunt (on the south side of town), is packed...
Posted by torey on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 07:05:00 PST

Arabian Nights

On a weary November night, I decide to stay in bed wearing three layers of clothing, lying there with nothing to show for.  As I am lying there, thinking about wanting to fall asleep but knowing ...
Posted by torey on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 08:22:00 PST