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romana imperatrix xxx


About Me

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My Interests

Writing, Latin, Tattoos,snow, music, benzos, anything that will make my head work normally again You are now marked on my visitor map!

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I'd like to meet:

nobody...I have myself and that's enough...BUT YOU ALL SHALL WANT TO MEET AND SEE THESE GUYS BECAUSE THEY KICK ASS!!!! XXX


uh...Hole,Nofx,Subsonica,Marlene Kuntz, Beautiful Disaster,Rancid, Nastro Isolante,Placebo, Japan Air,Nirvana, Johnny Cash,CCCP,Porno Riviste, Insolito Medio, L7,Luigi Tenco,Mudhoney,Sex Pistols,Prodigy,MOtel Connection,Perturbazione, Nine Inch Nails, Joy Division, The Misfits, Lars and the Bastards, Refused, Smashing Pumpkins, Punkreas, Ramstein, Babyshambles, If I Die Today, The Distillers, any sort of Gregorian Music, anything with soul and that matches the beat of my heart really...


Trainspotting, Caligula, 8mm, Death Proof, Tutti giu'per terra, Salo' o le 100 giornate di Sodoma,Monty Pyton and the Holy Grail, Quills, the texas chainsaw massacre,good italian porn, cant remember any more...


Rome, Bones, Dexter, Grey's Anatomy, Cold Case, Band of Brothers.


too many...Birthday Letters(Ted Hughes); de consolatione philosophiae(boetius);the waste land( t.s Elliot);bongwater( michael hornburg); letters to a young poet( ryner maria rilke);the sea the sea(iris murdoch); i canti orfici (dino campana); La plus que vive (christian bobin);anything written by Beckett and Sarah kane, although u shd see them at the theatre; Sir Orfeo; l'eneide( Virgil-rigorously in latin); Poesie del disamore (cesare pavese); I sommersi e i salvati (primo levi); de profundis(oscar wilde);the canterbury tales(geoffrey chaucer);my education: a book of dreams(william s.burroughs); junky (william s.burroughs);oceano mare(alessandro baricco); anything by D'annunzio;anything by Pasolini, the monk,stuff by kathy Reichs, Ulysses, story of desmay and death, redemption and hope, which never really get on together, do they?


Myself,I deserve to be one. I am the empress of the fucking world.

My Blog

I have no inspiration.....

Well, I've been sitting here for the entire day ( here being my bedroom) trying to come up with something decent enough to be written down for the Ist chapter of my thesis, and I have come out with..u...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:27:00 PST

IO 10

Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Sat, 17 May 2008 09:14:00 PST

Empty and fading

In love and in sadnessI'll take youmy belovedI'll hold youwhile you are laughingI'll kiss you while youare sufferingthere is no sorrow I would have not cured for youthere is no pain I would have not m...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Sat, 17 May 2008 09:01:00 PST


...I needed you morewhen you wanted us lesscould not kissjust regressit matters to meclear simple and plainbut that's just finethat's just one of my names...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Sat, 17 May 2008 08:55:00 PST

To coral beach with friends...

After my visit to my psychiatrist on wednesday, things appear to be picking up; the increased meds, I assume, start working too, so that's why I feel a bit better;she said she's leaving for another jo...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Fri, 16 May 2008 04:31:00 PST

This is painful

MY bonES Are screAminG out in paIn PLeaseMAke them shUt UpI cannot StaND the NOISEMY BoNes HurtMY BOnES HurtYoU MAde themAchEI CAnnot leave the HOuse I CAnnot LeaVe the HousE I CAnnoT leaVe the HOuse...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Mon, 12 May 2008 02:51:00 PST

How Psychiatrists do make the world a better place

Well.This morning I went to see my shrink, and yes, she's great.I spend a good hour in with her, and I manage not to trow a tantrum or anything, which is rather unusual;only jocking,really, I am usual...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:50:00 PST

The day is gone

It was indeed a disaster.I could not manage to get out of the house,I couldn't work on my thesis, I couldn't communicate with anybody.All I did was swallow a good dose of my beloved diazepam with a cu...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Tue, 06 May 2008 02:50:00 PST

Heres another sunrise I dont want to see

here I go again.I am just out of the shower, trying to get ready to go into university and get on with my daily life when it hit me.Heavily, painfully, heartlessly.My image in the mirror.I panic."No,n...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Tue, 06 May 2008 05:31:00 PST

Focus plz babe, focus

Now,I've a thesis to write and I haven't done anything in the past week. Have to get some strenght and focus here, otherwise I'll start panic. I suppose my major depressive episode of last sunday didn...
Posted by romana imperatrix xxx on Tue, 06 May 2008 05:07:00 PST