acoustc guitars. sunset. sunrise. getting in the car and going. shotgun roadtrips. singing at the top of my lungs. my friends. writing. dancing for no reason. thunder. heat lightening. flash flood rain storms. baseball. hockey. music. james and emma. changing my hair color. reading. telling people what i really think. cortland. elmwood. tatoos. laughing. nick at night. old school early morning cartoons. blue skies and fluffy clouds. the zoo. flying kites. converse sneakers. not being afraid to play on the boys' team. movie marathons. kissing in the rain. sybil. marching band. marine land. holding hands. thursday at the square. windows down radio up 5 minute car trips. outside. inside. contradicting myself. gilmore girls. old school WB. day-glo. playing match maker. syracuse.
Freddy Mercury. Mother Teresa. John Lennon. Ronald Regan. Elenor Roosevelt. Charlie Hughes. Veronica Walters. Ghandi. Che Guevara. Myself in 20 years. Susan B Anthony. Cleopatra. Julias Caeser. George Harrison. Bob Dylan. Tom Petty. Mark Twain. The guy who wrote the Chipi Chipi song. Hercules always seemed interesting. God would be cool too. He and I are gonna have words :D.
Acousic guitars make me weak in the knees.
I fall in love with ficticious characters.
My mom.