Some would surprise you. wink wink knudge knudge.
People with open minds, a solid respect for their ultimate insignificance in the universe, a fondness for crass humor, and no expectations.
Far too many to put on here, easier to say I despise country and most rap. Cant spell crap without rap; but if it has a good beat you can grind too, well I will make an exception. I listen to CD 101 and 106/7 so theres a nice variety there of alternative, rock,a nd well whatever else you want to call it.
Galipolli, Papillion, Saturday Night Fever, 16 Candles, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life...I have ecclectic tastes...NO romances, those bother me.
Television rots your brain, but I do enjoy a lot of cartoon network. DR. Who and Torchwood for their sci fi homoerotic goodness!
Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Prayer for Owen Meany, In the Lake of the Woods...I used to be well read.
Still looking for one to believe in.