Cycling ( to work !), walking ( haven't done it in years), gym ( when I can muster the energy !), music, sci-fi, eating out (BBQ at Mikes, martian food at vengys), DVD's, cinema, computers.
Star Trek Movies, Star Wars Movies, The Terminator Movies,U-571, Unforgiven, Wedding Singer, What Lies Beneath, X-Men Movies,American Pie Movies, Armageddon, Batman Movies, Blade Movies, Blade Runner, Blue Thunder, Bridget Jone's Diary Movies, Colour Purple, Clint Eastwood Spagetti Western's, Daredevil, Die Hard Movies, Dirty Harry Movies, The Fast and the Furious, Gladiator, Gone in 60 Seconds, Grease, Green Mile, Ice Age, Indiana Jones Movies, Independence Day, Knight's Tale, Lethal Weapon Movies, Lion King, Love Actually, Mask, Matrix Movies, Men in Black Movies, Monsters, Inc. Moulin Rouge, the Mummy, Notting Hill, the Rock, Shrek Movies, Se7en, Stargate SG1,
Alias, All Star Trek series, Lost, Dark Angel, all Stargate series, Dr Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Desparate Housewives, Smallville, Frasier, Friends, Tru Calling, Andromeda, Messiah, Waking the Dead, Battlerstar Galactica ( new and old series) and anything else to do with sci-fi etc......... if I get time to watch it !
I don't do books !