I am a daughter, a sister, a grand daughter, a niece, a cousin, and a friend. I am a partner, a student, a young girl, and a grown woman. I am confident, scared, terrified and excited. I am loving, caring, thoughtful, and hopeful. I am sick and tired. I am shy and friendly and careful and careless. I am broken and whole. I am misunderstood, misguided, and mislead. I am hard working and determined, but a little scared on the inside. I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to God and cry my tears. I smile on the outside when I am dying on the inside. I listen to others who won't listen to me. I walk on eggshells and I walk on fire. I believe in passion but not true love. I love you and I push you away. I want you but not so close. I am everything and nothing all at once. And all I want is for you to love me.
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"Don't hate me because I'm pretty,hate me because your boyfriend thinks so...."
Neki su gluvi na tude reci, oni su nesreca i sebi i drugima. Ali uvek treba pokušati. Pitaceš: zašto? Nizašto. Da bude manje gluvo i pusto..''Ljudi se cešce trude da steknu materijalno, a ne duhovno bogatstvo, mada je sasvim sigurno da našu srecu cini ono što jesmo, a ne ono što imamo''
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