Terry profile picture


Living life & Loving it!

About Me

Happily married with 4 great kids, work to much, will never make enough money, & someday... Well my someday's seem to be getting accomplished sooner & sooner. I love my life, my husband more than life & without my kids, it seems I would be very empty. I am very thankful for my family, My mother is my idol, she really keeps a family together, Love u mom. My dad is the greatest, he's always been there for me & I know he Create or get your
very own MySpace Layoutsalways will be.

My Interests

Just having fun, having a good time with good friends & family is at the top of my list.


I love music, not much for country, or the rude rap that is out there, still love 80's tunes more than anything else, but I do have a thing for EMINEM too!


I love Grey's Anatomy, & Lost & I tivo Oprah daily


Princess Diana was the best, next to her is my hubby, & my parents