About Me
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Hola. que pasa? I am 21 and from Tempe, Arizona. I go to Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, because as much as I love my parents, I just had to get away and see how I handeled being on my own. Which I must say, I can do. I am really into sports- all sports. Baseball is my favorite to watch, although football is pretty good too. My favorite sport to play however is soccer. I LOVE soccer. I also love to dive- as in the spring board kind like at a pool. My favorite food is cheese!!! (I know, I know) If ask any of my friends, they would prolly say that I am obsessed with it, but they blow it way out of proportion. :) I am shy, but once you get to know me, I am LOUD!!!!!!!!! Everyone says I am always yelling, which is not true. If I am yelling, u will know it- the whole world knows it!!!! I am sarcastic, very sarcastic. So much so, that some people that don't know me think I am a bitch. Which I'll admit, at times I can be, but generally I'm nice. I can be stubborn, but then, who isn't? I am going to get a degree in elementary education, with an emphasis in Spanish and math. My main goal is to teach math to middle schoolers. If I decide that middle school kids r too much like assholes, then third grade is my new destination. I love people in general. My friends are my family, which is what my tatoo represents (it is the Japanese symbol for friends/friendship). My family is my everything, and since my friends r just extensions of my family, they are everything to me too. I would do anything for them!!!!!! What would the word be without friendship?