THE BEAR LADY profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

WELCOME!!!My name is Chinte'............... I am so excited for you to learn more about me, and my adorable line of Noah’s Ark products. Be sure to check out my website: WWW.THEBEARLADY.NET........... Be sure to read my personal story to learn how Noah’s Ark has changed my life, and visit my Career Opportunity page to learn how Noah’s Ark can help you!MY PRODUCTS ARE 100% HAND-MADEAll of my Noah’s Ark cuddly collectibles are hand-made by our skilled team of designers using only the highest quality plush and fabrics, then hand-stuffed by you (or your gift recipient), so you know you are receiving only the best!! Each “Gift To Goah” comes complete with everything you need to bring your very own stuffed animal to life! To learn more about my “Gifts To Goah”, click the link on the left!RAINBOW STAR PROMISELook for the Noah’s Ark trademarked Rainbow Star embroidered on your cuddly friend! The Rainbow Star symbolizes our guarantee that your animal has been made with care and quality, and meets all US child safety regulations. Accept nothing less for your child!I am here to help you with your stuffable friends needs, and do carry inventory for immediate sale. I also do parties, workshops, school and scout workshops, fairs, shows, and open houses. I love working with children and have so much fun with the business. It’s hard to believe that this is ‘work’. We have superior quality plush animals and outfits, not to mention the large selection of products.
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MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace BackgroundsI also specialize in the Bella Bee Glamour Workshop. I come to you and create a "Glamour Gallery" in your home or location, girls learn the importance of beauty that comes from within, while creating trendy shimmer and shine on the outside. They also create a fun new look with hip fashion accessories, and take the Bella Bee Pledge promising to always seek goodness!

My Interests

Conducting Animal Workshops, traveling, learning new things, Conducting Bella Bee Glamour Workshops, and making extra money!..

I'd like to meet:



Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn all around




A Teddy Bears Picnic. Brown Bear, Brown Bear.


Teddy Ruxpin