Being a Nice Human, Crystals and Pyramid Technology, Recurring Numerical Codes such as 11:11, Mayan Culture, Egyptology, Forbidden Archaeology, Sacred Geometry, The Power of Intention, Vibrational Medicine, Quantum Mechanics, Bio-photonic Research, Remote Viewing, Singing & Chanting, Pleiadian Healing, Cooking, Talk Radio, Writing, Starseeds, Plants, Gourmet Food, Peasant Food, Cycling, Astronomy/Telescopes, Travel, Theatre, Performance Poetry, People Power, Sustainabilty, Arthouse Cinema, My Esoteric Book Club, Collecting Records, Dinner Parties, Camping, Dance, Edgy Comedy, Ascended Masters, Crop Circles, Telepathy & Channelling, Otherware, UFOlogy, The Law of Time, Meditation & Yoga, Alternative Therapies, Shamanism, Cats, Animal Communication, Dolphins & the Cetacean Nation, ET contact, Time Travel, Oneness, "The Healing Codes" Quantum Energy Healing Technique
One of my future selves. Inhabitants of the Inner Earth.
I love house music of all kinds especially DEEP stuff, Garage vocal house, Classic Disco, Jazz, Funk, Pop, Indie, New Wave, Sacred Sounds, Indigenous chants and rhythms, New Music, Ambient, crystal bowls, classical stuff like Debussy and Arvo Part, soundtracks. Check some out below.
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The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg(French), Wings Of Desire(German), Spirited Away(Japan), Tampopo(Japan), Les Enfant Terribles(French), Breathless(French), Delicatessen(French), Babette's Feast(Denmark), Abigails's Party, Life Is Sweet, Secrets and Lies, The Hunger, Lord of the Rings(Fellowship of the Ring), Being There, Out On A Limb, What the Bleep Do We Know?, ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Pirates of the Caribbean, Down By Law, Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home, Star Trek – Generations, Dune, What Dreams May Come, Crash (2005), Crash (1997), Being John Malkovitch, The Fifth Element, X-Men 2, Contact, Superman(Christopher Reeves), Superman Returns, Adaptation, She's Gotta Have It, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Six Degrees of Separation, Aeon Flux, Dogma, I Heart Huckabees, Fast Food Nation
30 Rock, Weeds, Dirty Sexy Money, Two and a Half Men, Six Feet Under, X-Files, the new Dr Who, Star Trek Voyager, Deep Space Nine and Next Generation, Alias, Medium (first series), Fat Actress, Arrested Development, Starved, Huff, Curb Your Enthusiasm, In Living Color, Mind Freak (how cool is Chriss Angel??), Bold and the Beautiful(camp!), Dave Chappelle, The Daily Show, cooking shows, travel shows, docos.
Earth, Bringers of the Dawn, Family of Light & Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak, Initiation - Elisabeth Haich, The Prophet – Kahlil Gibran, Poems of Rumi, The Mists of Avalon, Lineage of the Codes of Light - Jessie Ayani, The Hidden Messages in Water – Dr Masaru Emoto, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit - Tolkien, The Upanishads (trans. by Juan Mascaro for Penguin), Pleiadian Agenda - Barbara Hand Clow, Pleiadian Perspectives on Human Evolution - Amorah Quan Yin, The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot, You Can Heal Your Life - Louse L. Hay, A Treatise on White Magic and other titles - AA Bailey, Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda, The Secret Life of Plants - Tompkins and Bird, The Mayan Factor/Time and the Technosphere - Jose Arguelles, The Alchemist - Paolo Coehlo, The Field - Lynn McTaggart, Cosmic Journeys - Rosalind McKnight, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou, Conversations with God 1 - 3 - Neale Donald Walsch, The End Times - Kryon, The Complete Stories of Winnie The Pooh - AA Milne, The Tao of Pooh - Benjamin Hoff, Wings of Power - Margarit Segesman, Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams, Siddharta - Herman Hesse, The Isaiah Effect - Gregg Braden, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra, The Goddess Sekhmet - Robert Masters, Rock Medicine – Sela Weidemann Randazzo, The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron, Last Night A DJ Saved My Life - Bill Brewster, Frank Broughton, Alice in Wonderland
Maya Angelou, Jean Houston, King Britt, Mark E. Smith, Teilhard de Chardin, Green Gartside, David Sylvian, Nikola Tesla, Rumi, Prince, Larry Levan, Derrick Carter, Norma Jean Bell, Chez Damier, Jane Roberts, Kryon, Barbara Marciniak, Dr Fred Bell, David Hatcher Childress, Master Djwhal Khul, Kuthumi, Sekhmet, The Taras, Hathors, Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, Andromedan Angelic League of Light, Sirian Archangelic Leagues of the Light, St Germain, Archangel Gabriel, Metatron, Sanat Kumara & Lady Venus Kumara