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Welcome to: Legend of The Stolen Guitar Official Film Funding FormHOME | Legend of The Stolen Guitar | FILM-FUNDING-FORM Private Film Funding FormSimply Fill in your Name or Organization, Sign, make a Copy for your records and Date and Mail back to Contact Information below======================================================= ==============_____________________________ wishes to Pledge Filmmaker Austilo Handriadethe sum of ______________________ to help complete funding for the Documentary Film titled: "Legend of The Stolen Guitar"Contributor will receive credit on the Film being inserted at the tail credits. Contributor will also receive a Final Copy of the Program on DVD. If further copies are requested a special discount for Duplication services will apply.Contributor understands that Filmmaker Austilo Handriade a will show truthful accounts of the living tradiditions of the human race all over the universe.Contributor is invited to monitor the activities during the said Production and will be invited to speak out on issues on-camera themselves.All expenses will be accounted for and receipts will be compiled and a Final Budget Expense Report will be sent to Contributor once the Film is completed.Timeline for "Legend of The Stolen Guitar" production start is based on completion of funding."Legend of The Stolen Guitar" is an Independently Produced MelodramaFilm made expressly for All Major Film circuits Internationally and once a Distributor is found will be shown with the intent to educate anyone wanting more information on one of the greatest living traditions of all time.Contributor fully understands that during the Publicity and Marketing phase of "Legend of The Stolen Guitar" , inclusion of yourself or organization as a Contributor into Press Releases, Movie Posters, Newspaper Stories, etc. may happen unless said person or organization strictly forbids Filmmakers Austilo Handriade and Debbie Bishop from doing so.Check made payable to: Austilo HandriadeContributions can be made to E-Mail address: [email protected] Austilo Handriade Date 06/25/07Contributor ___________________ Date ______Contact Information:Austilo Handriade, FilmmakerE-Mail: [email protected] Mobile: 1-818-294-8441============================================== =======================Check me out!-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel and lay it on us.height: 50; font-family: ; color: ; font-size: 24pt; filter: glow(Color=ffffff , Strength=9); font-weight: ; font-style: ; font-style: ; text-decoration: ;" Save Darfur
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 by Ostilo Handriade        &nb sp;         &nb sp;         &nb sp;&...
Posted by Ostilo on Fri, 26 Aug 2005 04:32:00 PST