Well, I love anime as i said before lol. The outdoors, art, cultures and religions. I'm also fairly interested in the Japanese culture which I regret not knowing about. I like video games although I never have time to play them anymore, but they're always cool.
I'd like to meet Jesus if he's among you out there.
I listen to tons of different music, mostly soft music. I listen to all different kinds from Gaelic, to trance, to orchestrated. I'm all over the place. The only couple genre's of music I don't like much are Rap, hip-hop, hard rock and screamo.
I'm also into all different kinds of films. Anime...again lol. I'm pretty much like every average person, if the reviews are good I'll most likely waatch it. My favourite movie up to date however is probably The Seven Samurai, or Zatoichi. Seven Samurai is a classic Japanese film and Zatoichi ( which means the blind swordsman) is more up to date but it's awesome... classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" .."http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/s wflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" id="gtembed" width="480" height="409" ..
If you see arnie tell him Boogadaboogadeboo. he'll know what it means.
I don't really read very much...... But if I had to have a favourite author it would be... Tolkien, and favourite book is a five book series called Musashi.
Chuck Norris because he invented water and water is the essence of life.