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1/20/08: I hate writing these things. What do I say about myself? I dunno. Currently I'm 26, and just graduated with a BS from SUNY Oneonta. I could be living at home right now but instead I'm living up in Oneonta. I have a bunch of pets at home, but I have 2 pets living with me, Mussolini my new kitten and Sam my Whites Tree Frog.
I'm a huge Nine Inch Nails fan, but if you know me you already knew that. I love hockey, it's my favorite sport. Nothing beats being at a game, it's so much better than watching it on tv. I have a bunch of friends, up here, at home, and all over the world. Why'd I tell you that? Beats the fuck outta me. I can't drink beer except for Guinness. Pretty weird right?
I love severe weather and I love being in it. One of my earliest memories was being in the middle of Hurricane Gloria back in '85. I was 4 years old and I still remember it to this day. It's also what got me into Meteorology.
I like hanging out with friends, and I like to meet new people. I don't particularly like bars, but I'll go with friends, and find a way to enjoy myself. What else is there.... I dunno. If you want to know more just give me an IM.
Hit me up on:.. Papagolash or MSN Messenger: [email protected]
The music you are hearing is Tracy