How Boyish or Girlish Are You?
I got 70 boy 30 girl. What did you get?
I got 70 boy 30 girl. What did you get?
Life is a BEaUTIFul DISaster-ReAD-WriTE-Draw-CAtch INsects anD REPtiLZ(and ppL) N PHotograPH THEm- DRIVe FAr-CLub SOme-DAy DReAM-THInk MORbiD THouGHTS and CONtaIN thEM-STay HUMan in An INhumANe WOrlD-Hope IT alL woN'T enD iN a DISAsTER.LoVE-Live-LEarN-PlAY-ExPAnD the SENsES-BREaTH-SPoOn~ Wish that I could adopt my two lil boys for good :(
BOO-The Dali Lama-a Pleaidian-Salvador Dali-H.R. Giger-SOMEoNE thAt MakeS me LAUgh-Morrisey-JosePH LINsneR-JeLLo BiafRA-CarnIvAL QueeNS-othER pEOPLE WHO are INto PUppETS-Sick PUPPeT SHowS-maGic and iLLusion-SomeonE Sick n TwiSted-ShuTTEr SpEED inTERlUDES-ChiCAS wiTH cuRVEs and a CHick that CAn taKE a Bite or 2 (or 10)~
L.A. HarDcORE-GoTH-80's-PsYCHo BilLY-HeavY BLUeS-Some new stuff-LOts Of DRums-ClaSSIc ROck-CLAssIcAL-ELECtro-WHat catches my mind and ears~
Anything BLOODy and scary-anything about Vamps and Ghosts Or PUppETS or DOLLs and of couRSE MAGIc-John-Serial Killer Shit-MURDER-MURDer-Waters-CliNT-BroNSon-FREakS-What the blEEP do We REalLY KNow- David Lynch- Betty Davis to Chaplins silent stuff and all the Silents that I have forgotten about~
L-Word-Independent CAblE-ReAlITY Shows-DEXtER-Old Cowboy ANd INdian MOviES-Late NIGHt B/W-UfC-FeMaLE BOXinG-FORESic FIles-Lots of DIScovery Ch.-HistorY Ch.-CNN-CH.11 Morn News,lol~
Poetry-QuanTum Info-Astrology to TaroT- Anime Comics-Art BooKS-AnaiS NiN-Frank HerberT(before DUNE)-VonnEgut-STIff-FuN wIth NUMbERS-THe MEaning OF MEAning~.."Photobucket">
My parents for beating the odds
(My MoTHER for NEVER giving UP-My FATHer For CHAnginG)~
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