MikKa profile picture


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About Me

How Boyish or Girlish Are You?

I got 70 boy 30 girl. What did you get?

My Interests

Life is a BEaUTIFul DISaster-ReAD-WriTE-Draw-CAtch INsects anD REPtiLZ(and ppL) N PHotograPH THEm- DRIVe FAr-CLub SOme-DAy DReAM-THInk MORbiD THouGHTS and CONtaIN thEM-STay HUMan in An INhumANe WOrlD-Hope IT alL woN'T enD iN a DISAsTER.LoVE-Live-LEarN-PlAY-ExPAnD the SENsES-BREaTH-SPoOn~ Wish that I could adopt my two lil boys for good :(

I'd like to meet:

BOO-The Dali Lama-a Pleaidian-Salvador Dali-H.R. Giger-SOMEoNE thAt MakeS me LAUgh-Morrisey-JosePH LINsneR-JeLLo BiafRA-CarnIvAL QueeNS-othER pEOPLE WHO are INto PUppETS-Sick PUPPeT SHowS-maGic and iLLusion-SomeonE Sick n TwiSted-ShuTTEr SpEED inTERlUDES-ChiCAS wiTH cuRVEs and a CHick that CAn taKE a Bite or 2 (or 10)~http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M114bK4qaiM


L.A. HarDcORE-GoTH-80's-PsYCHo BilLY-HeavY BLUeS-Some new stuff-LOts Of DRums-ClaSSIc ROck-CLAssIcAL-ELECtro-WHat catches my mind and ears~


Anything BLOODy and scary-anything about Vamps and Ghosts Or PUppETS or DOLLs and of couRSE MAGIc-John-Serial Killer Shit-MURDER-MURDer-Waters-CliNT-BroNSon-FREakS-What the blEEP do We REalLY KNow- David Lynch- Betty Davis to Chaplins silent stuff and all the Silents that I have forgotten about~


L-Word-Independent CAblE-ReAlITY Shows-DEXtER-Old Cowboy ANd INdian MOviES-Late NIGHt B/W-UfC-FeMaLE BOXinG-FORESic FIles-Lots of DIScovery Ch.-HistorY Ch.-CNN-CH.11 Morn News,lol~


Poetry-QuanTum Info-Astrology to TaroT- Anime Comics-Art BooKS-AnaiS NiN-Frank HerberT(before DUNE)-VonnEgut-STIff-FuN wIth NUMbERS-THe MEaning OF MEAning~.."Photobucket">


My parents for beating the odds (My MoTHER for NEVER giving UP-My FATHer For CHAnginG)~
MySpace Layouts Free MySpace Toys

My Blog

Just Married

............ My best friend Tricia got married this weekend to the love of her life named Rick. I didn't want them to have to worry about driving or anything on a day like this so instead of hiring a ...
Posted by MikKa on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 08:29:00 PST

Random Thoughts

Why do I drive slow on SundaysMy parents are only human like meSorry friends for the stupid things that I have doneOriginal thoughts...I will get back to you later on this oneMcCain: VacuousO.C.D. and...
Posted by MikKa on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 05:39:00 PST


Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everyb...
Posted by MikKa on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST