Mewtwo is one of the first Pokémon created by science. The scientists who created it dreamed of making a Pokémon that was the strongest Pokémon ever.
Mewtwo is a creature with a humanoid posture. Mewtwo's body is grayish-purple with a purple underside and a long, purple tail. Mewtwo has three digits on each appendage. It has purple eyes and two short ears.
One of the most notable features of Mewtwo is the tube extending from the back of its skull to its spine. It is not exactly a neck, as it obviously provides no support to the head, however, it still is most likely a secondary
spinal cord, or a system of nerves, allowing for an increased amount of blood and sensory transmission to the brain, heightening its psychic powers.
Special abilities
Mewtwo is highly skilled with Psychic powers. It can fly through the air (and take anyone else that it pleases with it), speak human tongue by using telepathy and take over another living thing's mind. Mewtwo is also capable of wielding various types of attack (but at a slightly lesser extent than Mew). In the Pokémon Special manga, Mewtwo fights with a highly skilled combination of Psywave for long range moves, and a giant spoon for close range battles.
Amber 2 i rember you
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