I like music, good times, experimentation and
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Listening to/finding new music, hangin out, going to shows, writing, beards,hippies, zombies, Chinese food, movies, criticizing,lava lamps, piercings, tattoos, opium incense, fatty loaf's,laughing, some art, sparks, road trips,DRUGS, l-i-v-i-n.
anybody with an opinion.
eclectic obscurities
Romero, Tarantino, Burton, Hughes, Zwigoff, Crowe, Stone
sucks...cept the food network
blinking with fists, a-z of horror, long hard road out of hell, Cell, The Zombie Survival Guide, Fast food nation, Haunted, Dharma Bums,any book about music or philosophy
my friends and the people that keep me going...KEVIN HENLINE!!