Surly profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am the drummer for the Gabba Gabba Heys . We are a Ramones tribute band that play in and around Los Angeles(mostly). Come check us out sometime. If you are a fan of the Ramones, or only know a couple of their songs, we will rockyou, maybe make you want to dance (the drunker, the and us). Ha!. Check out the Gabba site for more about us, our schedule, and whatnot. Do we think we are the Ramones? AmI Marky? Hell no! I'm Surly, damn it!

My Interests

GeneralMusic, fun, freedom, art,... Here are some more:

I am very much into sports/athletics; both playing and watching. I've played oranized baseball, basketball, soccer, football and softball.The ones I play the most now are basketball & golf.

Here are my favorite teams. St. Louis Cardinals, St. Louis Rams, St. loius Blues, University ofMissouri Tigers Football & Basketball

Albert Pujols and his Home Run Swing! This homer was a three-run, game winner onSeptember 27th. It snapped a 7 game losing streak and may haved saved the season for the Cardinals. He's already one of Baseballsgreatest hitters - EVER! I am so lucky that he is a Cardinal!

Animals. I love dogs & cats (I love all critters actually. So, please don't fuck with the animals! I would appreciate it.). Thecompanionship of my dog or cat has always been very comforting to me. Somebody to talk to. Always excited to see me. And I lovehaving fun with dogs. Taking them outside snd tossing a frisbee around with them, or on a trip to the wild, the beach, etc.. Here aresome pictures of my 3 favorite dogs. They are Akitas. Akitas are such greatdogs! They are very smart, very loyal, have lots of personality, and are funny too! They make me laugh anyway. HaHa!
This is Dakota & Kieko. Dakota is Keiko's mom.
This is Kobe at 3 months or so.
This is Kobe now. He's four.

I'd like to meet:

Ramones fans, Cretins, Pinheads, freaks, punkers, rockers, punk rockers, headbangers, drinkers, smokers, stoners, ravers, chicks!.


Ramones, Sex Pistols, Rock, Indie Rock, Stooges, Iggy Pop, The Clash, Misfits, American Punkrock, British Punkrock, Green Day, Hardcore, Hardrock, Black Flag, The Dead Kennedys, Metal, Slayer, Metallica, Motorhead, In Flames, Kill Switch, Randy Rhodes, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Anthrax, Megadeth, Metalcore, Public Enemy, Reggae, Bob Marley, Jimmy Cliff, Drums, Neil Peart, Buddy Rich, John Bohnam, Marky Ramone,


Rock and Roll High School, The Warriors, Easy Rider, The Harder They Come, Seven Samurai,


Joey, Dee Dee, Johnny & Marky, too.