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"YEAR OF THE GUN" Counterclockwise, and Crash, Boom, Bang Unite!
A rarely told story of what happened behind the scenes with the Abraham Lincoln assassination. My brother and I acted, did makeup and some sound for this one. If the link does not work go directly here: "
A movie about a werewolf loose in a museum...or is it? My brother and I Edited and did sound and sound design for this little 16mm film...If link does not work go here:"
Best viewed at standard size rather than blown up.
"INTERNET PIRATES" (You might need to turn up the volume to hear the music in the scenes.)
A bunch of geeks that have way too much time on their hands and a mother that will never kick them out...
(I apologize to anyone who was apart of this project that many of the credits and bloopers had to be could not except a video longer than 10min)
"ROCKSTAR COMMERCIAL" Rock Chester and Star Ringo always get the bad guy!
"MAYLIN" A girl allergic to water dealing with the struggles of daily living. (Final project for 35mm, my brother and I did this edit and the sound for the film)
"LONELY BEAR" The story of a guy just trying to find the right girl.
"OLLIE THE CHOSEN BUM" A 35mm project about one bum trying to make a difference.
"IN A RUSH" A short about the dangers of cellphone usage.
"FOOTBALL" A teen from Guadalajara loses his parents to Guerrillas (not Gorillas) and decides to help a soccer team of misfits win the tournament with his "special kick".
"GOOD SAMARITANS" A couple of guys, seemingly passing through, are confronted with three first-time burglars. As it seems...they definately do not have the uper hand, and these "Good Samaritans" are not all that meets the eye...
"MEAT" A martial arts trained vegan breaks into the highly secured grocery store to steal as much meat as possible, but not without running into some trouble from the manager and clerks...
"INSIDE THE MIND OF" Inside the Mind of Mark Sawa...a visionary and unstoppable director. He doesn't just direct movies...he directs the future.
"HOW TO FLY A KITE" If you can't tell from the title, then you probably won't enjoy this little diddy.
"FIRST TIME DIRECTOR" A complete jerk takes complete control of a first time project. He thinks he knows everything...guess who the complete jerk is?! First time for everything I guess.
"PHOBIC CONFINEMENT" Done for a school project about FEAR!
"DON'T TOUCH MY WAFFLE" Our first absurd film of epic proportions! I white upper-class family attempts to send a nice home video to their grandmother about their new home, but they had no idea what else was on that tape! Boris Yandolf, a bald headed mastermind, recorded his master plan to rid himself of the world's deadliest assassin...a bunny...with an axe.(In Silent Film Form of coruse...) Grandmother won't be expecting this...
P.S. If you don't show this film to someone else in 7 will die.
(at least...that's how we market the credits...)
60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and current music (pretty much any kind of music) I used to have a list, but it keeps changing and is obnoxious...
I'm a movie buff so don't get me would be even more endless than my still incomplete music selection.
I don't get cable anymore... :(
Recently read: The Hidden Door Understanding and Controlling Dreams, The Science of Self Realization, Sri Isopanisad, Kingdom of Fear, Burton on Burton, The Darkside of The Universe A Scientist Explores The Mysteries of the Cosmos, A Tribe Apart, The Making of a Philosopher, God's Debris A Thought Experiment, Culture of Make Believe, The Great Shark Hunt, Generation of Swine "Tales of Shame and Degredation in the 80's, The End of Science, Broca's Brain, The Marriage Between Heaven and Hell, and others lying around that I am too lazy to list.
Ok ok so I don't like to read one book at a time. Pish Posh
My Dad...most times :) , and pretty much everyone I listed for people I would like to meet. I'll think of more later.