I love Nascar, Dale Jr is my favorite driver, I collect movies,well not really collect b/c I watch them, I play games on the computer, I like to go bowling,I try to go fishing but i don't like getting up at 5am,lol,
Dale Jr, John Cena( which my niece Leslie already met him)PitBull, my niece Bertica and her friend Chasity already met him. one day it will be my turn. P-Diddy , Jennifer Lopez, Nicohlas Cage. Reese from Legally Blonde.
I like Spanish,Rap,Country,Metal,Opera,Hip Hop.Bertica and Chasity are in this video at PitBull's concert
My favorite all time movie is Selena. I also like watching movies that have action,drama,comedy, anything goes
I only watch tv at night and that is only sometimes. but when I feel like it, I watch some Disney,or Life time, I love MTV.
I read the newspaper,or articles, I like reading to my kids and they read to me.
God,Mima,My kids, Britney and Bradley