Volleyball, Golf, Working out, Movies, Movie Trailers (I love 'em!) "In a world where...", Kareoke, Eating out, Bubble Tea, MSN Messengering, www.homestarrunner.com (strongbad e-mail! {my fav..Japanese cartoon!})My Voiceover homepage:http://bryanchow.voice123.com/
I want to meet you because we haven't met yet. My name's Bryan...How do you do?
Can you sing it in your car or in the shower?! My kinda music! Movie sountracks, Top 40, Slow songs...basically whatever.
I love movies! Fantasy, Sc-fi, Action, Comedy, Romance, Foreign, Sub-titled, Musical, Family, Animated, Award winning, or any combination of the aformentioned!
The Amazing Race, C.S.I, Without a Trace, Las Vegas, Japanese Cartoons, Fear Factor, Survivor, Sports highlights, Anything on Spike TV or TBS
Ebert's little movie glossary, Tom Clancy, Comic Books
Han Solo: "Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?" [winces]