They change daily, but generally things that help me remember how random life really is.
Alexander the Great, Al Capone, MLK, James Bond, Cleopatra, George Patton, Che, Ghengis Khan, Albert Einstein, Steven Hawkins, Cindy Crawford, the tall girl from The O.C., Kristin Kruek, Lao Tzu, and everyone else I can't think of at the moment.
Most everything, but I have a particular love for singer/songwriter stuff, U2, the Counting Crows, and REM. Interpol, Smashing Pumkins, She Wants Revenge, Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, Belle & Sebastian. I also have a fondness for opera when the mood hits.
Almost everything, even stupid action flicks without good plots. But my favorite flims are those epic films that encompass love, war, life, death, betrayal, friendship, bravery, sacrifice, and all the other things that make life enjoyable.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Shield, House, Rescue Me, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG1, the O.C., Boston Legal, the 4400. I abhor reality shows, yes, even Laguna Beach.
Beach Music by Pat Conroy; The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho; All of the Harry Potter Series; The Lord of the Rings series; the Bhagavad Gita; The Once and Future King, by T.S. White; Liar's Poker; The Little Prince.