I was given advice of what to put in this thing and it was 'be honest.' I am a self confessed Swot so, my pooter, reading, and of course Music feature highly in my Things To Do list. I dont have Hobbies due to Cronic Lazyness. I like to hang about with my mates of which i dont have many but they make up for that in quality, and i have no social life anyway. I occaisionally attempt to speculate the several layers of consciousness which constitute my thoughts. Its fascinating to think, and then THINK about the thoughts. That kinda thing is cool. Apparantly I am grown up now.. the ripe age of 18. should prove to be rather interesting methinks.
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I would like to meet everyone but there isnt enough time so please form a queue. Much obliged.
Tucker. You're not too smart, but you have alot of
reason. You may not like plans or having to
figure out stuff, but you'll try to use
reason and common sense before jumping into a
teleporter or go to kill someone. You may be
a little nicer than most people to. You keep
telling people that there is no RedVSBlue,
we're all the same. But that dosn't mean you
won't cut up someone with a plasma sword if
they're trying to kill your teammates.
Which Red-VS-Blue Character Are You?
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Ahh Muse.. it brings significance to my otherswise tedious existence. Quite frankly, i like any music that I myself coudn't do, because i appreciate other's talents, although nowadays it is a rare occasion to find a bit of music that is not a complete pile of fetid excretment. In my experienced opinion, 'artists' such as Peter Andre *shudder* and the Cheeky Girls deserve shot, if you could find enough of the Cheeky Girls to actually shoot. At the moment i am loving Greenday, Linkin Park, Nickleback, Muse and a delightful Irish ballad called 'The Voice' by Eimear Quinn which happined to win the Eurovision but DONT LET THAT PUT U OFF IT. Britching people have recently introduced me to some new talent, Breaking Benjamin, Earshot, and Seether to name but a few. Finch also. the perplexing and heartfelt lyrics ensure that the musical balance is restored. utterly genious. I am trying to learn the guitar. Note the word trying. I had a jumbo acoustic (destroyed by Scullard's hag of a mother) and my dad's trusty old electric bless its's senile type twang. I got a new guitar it is sexyful and my new child and i shall neglect the old rejected one. My room now looks like a music store as well as a library. altho twud be half decent if i could play the thing. lol @ my nerdiness. A year later, I can play the C chord. *smug*
pffft.. mostly prefer comedies xcept of corse when u have a luvly jubbly boyo to cuddle up to in the scary bits of a particularly gory film :) Pure legend actor is without a doubt Adam Sandler, whose cuteness is only preceeded by his hileriousness. And, this goes without saying but im saying it anyway, Johnny Depp is the best actor in the world and no movie is complete without him. He has ezquisite cheekbones and currently resides under Una's bed. You may be shocked and appalled to know that Una has now taken up residence under my pit, next to the vortex which leads to Narnia, Discworld, Meridian, and the wardrobe in your bedroom, dear reader.MWHA! to the Depp!
Dont really watch T.V, have to be majorly bored to do so. EXCEPT ofcourse, Family Guy. Stewie is my idol, and i aspire to his evilness. Also- The Simpsons, Futurama, Desperate House Wifehs, O.C due to the general sexyness of Seths. *swoon*
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fourth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) High
Level 2 (Lustful) High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Very Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Very Low
Level 7 (Violent) Low
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Low
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Low
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
Saving the best till last eh? Ok, ive read His Dark Materials which was brilliant but slightly blasphemous. I sooo cud never have been as selfless as Lyra. The Harry Potter books are good as well, the 4th one is my fave, but NOTHING is better than Discworld. I live their sometimes u can visit me if you like. Terry Pratchett is a pure genious, and also very generous, as he has built a conservatory for his carniverous plants, who deserve it. :) Books provide an escape- reality can bugger off somewhere. Come join me sometime. Recently I have read Interview with a vampire, which is eerily beautiful. the language flows and exudes intricacy most delightfully. Am now starting A Clockwork Orange, which is saturated with some manner of slangtastic whatsitsface and I am like (?) *shrug* seems yo be intrigueing anywhichroad, so much spiffery all round.FLUTTERBY! the pretty colours distract me form my otherwise monotonous existence
When i think about it i dont really believe in having heroes. i mean , why idolise someone so quite obviously insane as to wear their cacks (underwear) on the outside? total fruitloops. I do look up to alot of people (i do not mean on account of my lack of height dont larff) Some people u just have to hold in constant awe. This is a convenient space to inform you of my darling little brother. He insists i refer to him as 'Dee-Day' and he spends his time contemplating the cross between a goat and a sheep. After extensive study, he has come to the conclusion that it would be a 'Geep.' He likes, in no particular order, 'Feck, 'Drink, and 'Girlz'
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