V38 profile picture


in the studio, ideas flowing...

About Me

There is a revolution coming.
You can be a part of this.
V38 is a collaboration of artists who may or may not have worked together before. We utilize the internet to transport ideas, thoughts, and data. We create music that we want to hear.

Always looking to do remixes for people, or have remixes done.

If you want to rock, send a message.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/15/2004
Band Website: vthirtyeight.com
Band Members: Drotar, thats me.
And then there are special guests..... for a list of them and links to thier pages check the "so far v38 is..." blog.
Im all about making music, and collaboratign with different artists, if your interested send me a message.
Influences: NIN, Team Sleep, Deftones, Prodigy, Jazz!, Nilshiphter, Lebento Box, 2SF, Gobbler's Knob, Refused, PIGFACE, Desert Sessions, Tool, Mike Patton.... lots more.
Sounds Like: V38, YOU'RE AMAZING!

Type of Label: None

My Blog

new website!

check it out, let me know what you think! if you go to the downloads section, clcik on an album cover, it'll let you listen/download songs, and even the whole album as a zipped file.  it's not an...
Posted by V38 on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 04:50:00 PST

v38 cover contest

The winning cover is...a tie between #2 and #13.  #2 was a picture i took, and #13 is a drawing by the artist known as Meg.Thanks for participating! oh, and the cd is done, let me know if you wan...
Posted by V38 on Mon, 01 May 2006 09:00:00 PST

so far v38 is....

Drotar -is V38 Karol -Spoken Word Butchie-Guitar/atmosphere Bloodstain-Nilshiphter  Ian Daemon Black -Nilshiphter D. ay J. ob -Herb'n Professionals Shwagman -Stoners from SpaceJames Duperry - S...
Posted by V38 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


\m/ ^^ \m/ All lyrics © Drotar v38 by Drotar i chew red meat 2 nights more. this carcass, i feast days end. living again never wanted anymore than i have never running faster than in place. place...
Posted by V38 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST