Rhiannon the Stalkee profile picture

Rhiannon the Stalkee

This cartoon is based on a true fictional story.

About Me

?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??
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I'm a pretty diverse person, and am into many different things. I try really hard not to be judgmental of others. I love to laugh, and to make others laugh. I try not to take too much seriously. Currently, I'm in the process of finding myself, and going through changes. Like many other people, I've tried to be who and what others expected me to be. I didn't want to upset anybody, but in the process I lost myself. I'm finding my darker side, not evil, just darker than what I was raised to be and how people generally view me as.

I am not a religious person at all, yet I am spiritual. I don't believe in any one god or goddess, rather, I believe in the power we all have and are all connected to. Some call it Energy, God, Goddess, or Source. It has many names. I'm very new-agy, mixed with goth.....go figure. I've recently started exploring Wicca, and Neo-paganism. It's been scary for me to come out and admit that. I have to follow what I feel is right, regardless of what others may think. I'm not here to please them, but to learn about myself, and to grow as a spiritual being. That being said, I meditate, believe in the paranormal, and am known for my wild conspiracy theories. Told ya I'm diverse!

I've been happily married for 11 great years this past November!! It totally doesn't seem that long. Not that it seems like less....more like it's without time. My husband is wonderful. He's my best friend and very supportive of me, and into much of the same stuff. Currently, we are having fun in our D/s relationship and practicing bdsm. Other than all that, I am intersted in meeting new people, and making new friends, as well as catching up with some old ones. Thanks for taking the time to read this!! Bright Blessings!

Badly Drawn Boy- Year of the Rat....Watch it!!

My Interests

There's not enough room for everything!!

~I am very much into music (I come from a very musical family). I love to sing (constantly!), and play the piano...although I'm a little out of practice.

~SCA (medieval re-enactment group) OUTLANDS!!! www.sca.org


~ I just recently started taking belly dancing lessons. It's something that I've wanted to do since my very first Outlandish trip some 13 years ago. I'm so happy that I'm doing it now. Better late than never. I'm having so much fun, it's becoming addicting!!

~Camping, hiking, reading, traveling (Vegas baby!)

~Playing games such as World of Warcraft, Sims2, D&D (gasp! Did I really just admit to playing that?!!hehe)

~Metaphysics, New Age, Paranormal, Spirituality, Conspiracies, Supernatural stuff, Gothic, Fairies, Candles (if you can find it in a new age shop, I probably am into it!)

~Listening to Coast to Coast (Awesome radio show about the paranormal, conspiracies, etc. Check it out!) www.coasttocoastam.com

~Playing at the casinos


You are a slave

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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I'd like to meet:

People that are interesting, and have a sense of humor, as opposed to people who are boring, and mean....really! I'm also looking to catch up with friends.

My newest friend is:
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My Family on Myspace.

♥ Jess ♥

Monica Wimberly
Kassie ?


I absolutely love music. Cliched I know, but it's true. From my earliest memories there has always been music. I can chill for hours and just listen. Get swept away by it. Makes having the alarm set on radio dangerous. lol Music is like the background of my life, and it expresses what is in my soul and mind at the time.
I like to think that I'm a singer. That's one of my very few regrets, is not pursuing my singing. Although I’m always being told that it’s never too late. I have a great appreciation for most music. I can usually find some redeeming quality in all of it, even if it's not what I prefer to listen to (such as country). Although, what I do listen to varies constantly. I listen to everything from Classical, to Hard Rock. I enjoy trying new genres and finding new bands to listen to. Some of my favorite artists are (in no particular order) Tori Amos, Lycia, Rammstein, Love Spirals/Love Spirals Downward, BT, Paul Oakenfold, Bjork, Fiona Apple, Lennon, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, Deep Forest, Garbage....The list could go on and on.... it really just depends on my mood.

Your element is Fire. Like fire, you have a hot temper and you can be warm and loving as well and angry and wild. It all really comes down to what you are feeling.
You have a lot of close friends who you are very protective over, and with your temper probably some enemies too.
You are not Miss/Mr Popular in school since you are your own person and don't want to be forced into behaving this or that way.
You are the untamed wild horse, the kind that everyone wants to catch. But you don't want to be tied down for the moment and just keep going with your little crushes.
Your will is strong and if you set your mind to do something, you will most likely succeed. But beware, your friends may not always accept your mood-swinging behaviour. Even if you don't mean to be mean, they can still feel hurt. You just need to start thinking some things through before you do them, and not always jump in with so much courage. One day you may be hurt because of that, but then again, your element isn't fire if you start to analyse situations before you act. After all, your nature is to shoot first and ask the questions later.

What is your element? [with pics + detailed answeres]
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I like many different movies. I might like them a little bit too much actually because it's hard to find one that I don't enjoy. I'm not one of those that gets caught up in whether the movie is realistic or not. I completely understand that they are entertainment and can thus enjoy them as such. That being said, I do also enjoy movies that teach me something....yes, that would be like documentaries.


I am totally into all the new supernatural themed shows right now. Sci-Fi is cool too. I watch a lot of the Discovery channels, History channel, you know, the typical channels that as a kid I hated! Go figure! Oh yeah, don't forget the cartoons!!!

You are the Star card. The Star is the light of hope. Shining in the night, sending light into darkness, the stars provide direction to sailors and are a field on which to dream. Humanity used to look up at the sky and desire to be there, to find out what it all meant, and now we have been a distance into space and have elementary ideas of the makeup of all the different stars. This kind of achievement adds further fuel to our hopes. The eternal, slow-moving stars that will be long shining past the end of our own existence provide hope of immortality, and the vast space they suggest and the very mystery they hold provide us with excitement and knowledge yet to be discovered. Image from: Danielle Sylvie Taylor http://members.limitless.org/~morpheum/gallery.html
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I love reading! I read almost anything. As a child, I would read rather than do homework. I would read the cereal box over and over in the morning. At least until I convinced my mom to allow me to read at the table, as long as I was the only one sitting there. I don't have a favorite author, because I read so many different things, well except for westerns. I just can't get into those. My current reading list is: "Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns: The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism" by Philip Miller & Molly Devon, "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell" by Susanna Clarke


I don't have any "heroes". I think everybody is a hero in their own way, by the challenges that we've all dealt with. I do have people that I find inspiring, but I wouldn't elevate them to hero status... well, except for Batman, he can still be a hero!

My Blog

What’s the worse that can happen?

Here's something to think about.  I think that he makes a pretty good point.  ...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 09:51:00 PST

Do our thoughts really have power?

Do thoughts have power?I was reading a friends blog about this topic, and it got me thinking.  How much power do our thoughts really have?  The "golden rule" is "Do unto others as you would ...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 12:30:00 PST

America: From Freedom to Fascism.

This is a long almost 2 hr documentary by Aaron Russo.  I think it would be a good idea to take the time out to watch this.  Even if you can only watch 10-15 minutes at a time.  Informa...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:59:00 PST

Do we worship our mistakes?

Do we worship our mistakes?     I read an interesting little article, or little positive thought for the day, whatever you want to call it.  In it, the person mentions letting...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:23:00 PST


tag Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird things/habits about you". People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In t...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Wed, 02 May 2007 12:24:00 PST

Tales of a desert snowman

Tales of a desert snowmanThere once was a couple who lived in the desert.  No snow they saw. Nothing to thaw.Then one Decemeber, they awoke to a sight!  Snow everywhere, driving would be a f...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 05:29:00 PST

30 W-w-windoze freeware programs (actually 29)

From RandomLight----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: RandomlightDate: Dec 15 2006 8:58 PMYours truly adds his comments:4: Abiword: don't waste your time. Get Open Office.6: Clamwi...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 11:18:00 PST


Ahhh, it's almost time for Halloween. What can I say about this holiday? As a child and young adult, I absolutely loved it. All the costumes, trick or treating, parties, and decorating. Through th...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 01:49:00 PST

Ding Dong eating near port-a-potties and blackhawks

My eyes are scratchy, my lips are chapped. My arms ache, and my legs feel like I got beat up. And, I'm looking forward to more!! Is this because I'm a masochist? Well, possibly. Really, it's becau...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 05:58:00 PST

Funny things

Dear Husband (DH) and I went out to a late dinner tonight, and as we're talking, I'm looking at the window and we start a conversation about the stores in the shopping center. I'm surprised to see sto...
Posted by Rhiannon the Stalkee on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:38:00 PST